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JTTA Prep and Primary Schools’ Table Tennis League to begin on April 11
Written by Bradley Jacks. Posted in Table Tennis. | 21 March 2025 | 144 Views
Tags: jtta prep and primary school's league

Jamaica Table Tennis Association president Ingrid Graham is looking for more ways to develop young Table Tennis players to contribute to the future of the sport in Jamaica.

The latest initiative to try this is this year’s edition of the JTTA Prep and Primary Schools' League set to kick off on April 11 with the finals set for June 6.

Last year’s edition had a total of 157 players and, this year, 12 schools have registered so far with more to come according to Graham.

“I would like to have as much participation in this competition as possible,” Graham told on Thursday.

“This is just the beginning of a great future for Table Tennis in Jamaica. We have a lot of raw talent but if we do not have leagues such as these, we are not able to have more players, especially on the female side,” she added.

This league will also be used by the JTTA to select Jamaica’s teams for the Caribbean Regional Under-11 and Under-13 Table Tennis Championships set for August 11-17 in Bridgetown, Barbados.

“From this league, we have been able, over the years, to identify these talents to which most of our top juniors have taken that path in their development to reach the level they are now,” Graham said.

Last year’s top two players from the league, Whitfield Primary’s Malone and Shacoil Bird, went on to secure singles and doubles titles at the Caribbean Regional Championships.

Sponsors for this year’s tournament include Sports Development Foundation (SDF), INSPORTS, Western Sports, Optical Solutions International Ltd, and American Jewelers with more to be confirmed.