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Excitement builds for UWI Inter-campus volleyball tournament at St. Augustine
Written by Leighton Levy. Posted in Volleyball. | 23 May 2024 | 533 Views

The University of the West Indies (UWI) Sports & Physical Education Centre (SPEC) at the St. Augustine Campus in Trinidad is poised for an exhilarating weekend of volleyball. From Friday, May 24, to Sunday, May 26, 2024, the UWI Intercampus Volleyball Tournament will bring together some of the best clubs in the region, including Glamorgan, Big SEPOS, and West Side Stars.

The tournament kicks off on Friday with games starting at 12:00 noon, while matches on Saturday and Sunday will commence at 9:00 am. The event promises to showcase high-calibre volleyball, reflecting the skill of the participating teams.

The UWI Mona Club/Intercollegiate male and female teams, hailing from Jamaica, will depart from Norman Manley International Airport on Thursday, May 23, at 2:55 pm on Caribbean Airlines.

The UWI Mona volleyball team has a storied history of success. Over the years, both the male and female teams have dominated intercollegiate competitions, national club championships, and international club championships. With an impressive tally of over 100 championships, they are the most successful team at the Mona campus and the leading volleyball team in Jamaica.

This success is not just in numbers but also in influence. The team has been a critical source of national players for both indoor and outdoor volleyball. Their involvement in diverse leagues and tournaments, along with the variety of nationalities represented, offers players significant exposure and opportunities, attracting many prospective students from across the Caribbean region.

The resilience of the UWI Mona volleyball team has been particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. While many other clubs ceased activities, the Mona team continued to engage its members through ongoing training programs and off-court activities, adhering to health protocols. This proactive approach led to their selection to spearhead a pilot program for the return of the sport, demonstrating their leadership and dedication.

Currently, the UWI Mona Volleyball program boasts 70 active students and 30 alumni. Their commitment to the sport and each other highlights the strong community and support system within the team. This spirit of unity and perseverance will be on full display at the upcoming tournament.