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Annual Report

Cricket West Indies publishes 'comprehensive' annual report for 2020

The 36-page document reports on CWI’s progress in relation to implementing its Cricket First Strategic Plan, in the face of the unprecedented challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Annual Report also features specific reports on cricket, fan engagement and commercial development as well as finance, all of which were presented to the shareholder members at the recent AGM.

Commenting on the release of the report, re-elected CWI President, Ricky Skerritt, said: “The production of a holistic and analytical report to shareholders, published for general stakeholder reading, is not unprecedented. But, for various reasons, CWI has not prepared such an annual report for several years. I, therefore, wish to commend our Executive Management team for pursuing this particular project, as part of our effort to improve communication with all of our stakeholders.”

An excerpt from the report from CWI CEO Johnny Grave reads: “2020 will always be remembered for the pandemic, COVID-19. Despite these unprecedented challenges, I am extremely proud of what we have been able to achieve over the past year and it is truly inspiring in the way that everyone, on and off the field, has come together and collaborated so quickly to respond to the significant changes and huge uncertainty.”

The release of CWI’s Annual Report follows the publication of the audited financial statements which, for the first time, includes the consolidated accounts with Coolidge Cricket Ground (CCG). The annual report and the audited statements can be viewed on CWI’s official website via the following link: