For some, the Jamaica-China Sports Technical Exchange Programme is merely just a training trip, but to Lloye Guwalani, the programme represents a promise, illuminating the path to a brighter and more competitive future for Jamaican swimming.

Guwalani, who will serve as team manager to an 18-member delegation currently en route to China, pointed out that the journey marks a significant milestone for Jamaica in particular, as she highlighted the importance of the initiative, which was designed to enhance the development of Jamaica's swimming talent through international exposure and training.

The project started in 2018, was due for completion in 2020, but was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the final leg of the three-year initiative is now on course to be completed.

“I am extremely pleased that the programme is now back in full effect after the COVID pandemic. It provides our athletes with invaluable opportunities to train in world-class facilities, learn from top-tier coaches, and experience a different competitive environment. These are experiences that will undoubtedly elevate their performances at the local and international level, and also broaden their perspectives,” Guwalani told SportsMax.TV prior to departure.

Established as part of a broader cultural and sporting partnership between the two nations, the Jamaica-China Sports Technical Exchange Programme aims to foster mutual growth and development. For Jamaica, this means leveraging China's advanced training methodologies and infrastructure to benefit its athletes.

In fact, the swim delegation's visit, scheduled to last two months, includes rigorous training sessions, friendly competitions, and cultural exchanges that are set to enrich the athletes' experiences both in and out of the pool.

Members of the swim delegation pay a courtesy call on Minister of Sports Olivia Grange prior to departure.

Guwalani expressed delight to share in the initiative as a part of the programme also involves coaching experience and assists with enhances coaching abilities.

“I am also grateful that I was selected by the ASAJ, especially being a swim parent from Western Jamaica, team manager of the Sailfish Swim Academic, and having five out of the fifteen swimmers, who are from the West as participants in this programme. It is a phenomenal opportunity, especially given the absence of a 50-metre training facility to serve the growing demand of competitive swimming in the West,” Guwalani shared.

That said, she emphasized that the benefits of the exchange programme extend beyond the immediate training and competition opportunities.

“This is about building a foundation for the future of Jamaican swimming. Our athletes are ambassadors for the sport, and the experiences they bring back will inspire and motivate younger swimmers. It's about creating a legacy of excellence and fostering a culture of continuous improvement,” Guwalani said.

“In the end, I am hoping that our swimmers will make the best use of this opportunity. Set their goals and make the very best effort to achieve them. Our two coaches that are also a part of this delegation, Coach Zachary Johnson and Coach Omarie Sawyers seeking to gain the additional technical knowledge that can be garnered from this experience, and further take that to Jamaica and relay to our other coaches. So there is certainly a lot to be gained from this programme by all,” she reasoned.

Meanwhile, among the 15 swimmers is Zaneta Alvaranga, who was a prominent figure for Jamaica at regional and international swimming events, prior to taking a break from national representation for personal reasons. Alvaranga and her Kaizen Swim Club mate Devaughn Robe, are the only two returning swimmers from the initial batch of 15.

Zaneta Alvaranga (right) and members of the swim delegation share a photo opportunity during a stopover in Panama.

“I’m feeling good about going to China for a second year. The first time I went, I returned fitter and more competitive and I am hoping it will be a similar experience this time around. This programme is crucial for our development, as training in China allows us to push our limits, as well as improve on and learn new techniques, so I am excited to see what this trip holds,” Alvaranga stated.

By all indications, Alvaranga, known for her exceptional performances in the butterfly and freestyle events, is using this outing as a stepping stone to rekindle her passion for national representation.

"Every experience like this brings us one step closer to our dreams. The knowledge and skills we gain will not only benefit us individually, but also help to raise the overall standard of swimming in Jamaica. So, I am definitely hoping that it will get me back to a state of competitiveness for future competitions, including national competitions,” she declared.

"China has a rich history of excellence in swimming, and we are thrilled to learn from them. I think I can speak for the others in saying that we are ready to absorb everything we can, work hard, and bring our best back to Jamaica. And as I said, it is for me to get back into the groove of things,” Alvaranga ended.

The programme also involves women's football, basketball, badminton, and volleyball, among others.

Aquatics Sports Association of Jamaica (ASAJ) president Lance Rochester says the achievements of Yona Knight-Wisdom, Sabrina Lyn and Josh Kirlew in making the cut for this summer’s Paris Olympic Games are not just personal victories, but are pivotal in adding to a legacy for Jamaican aquatics sports.

Rochester’s sentiments came as he highlighted the importance of continued investment in training and youth development programmes, in particular, to sustain and grow all eight disciplines –swimming, open water swimming, master’s swimming, artistic swimming, diving, high diving, water polo, and beach water polo –across the aquatics umbrella.

British-born Knight-Wisdom, 29, the country’s diving flagbearer, continues to inspire with his dedication and remarkable skill, as he secured qualification to a third-straight Olympic Games, following appearances at the 2016 and 2020 Games.

Sabrina Lyn

For 18-year-old Lyn and British-born Kirlew, 24, it will be their first outing at the global multi-sport showpiece, as they were selected as the country’s highest ranked athletes to fill the two universality spots allotted to the ASAJ.

“Visibility is critical in sports and those who compete at the highest level help to inspire the next generation. Ultimately, the ASAJ wants to bring all of the eight disciplines which are currently under the umbrella to the top of the world stage and we are working assiduously towards laying the foundation to achieve that goal over time,” Rochester told SportsMax.TV.

“With regard to diving, the ASAJ is looking forward to the development of this discipline and the support which Yona continues to provide. After Paris, Yona will be in Jamaica hosting another installment of his diving camp, which aims to develop a generation of local divers. So we are committed to nurturing and developing talent so that Jamaica continues to shine in aquatics sports,” he added.

Josh Kirlew

While there were concerns that the retirement of the decorated Alia Atkinson, Keanan Dols, Kelsie Campbell and others, would take away from Jamaica having at least one prominent figure on the world stage, Rochester could not be more thrilled about Knight-Wisdom, Lyn and Kirlew’s upcoming Olympic Games participation.

In fact, the president viewed the trio’s efforts in maintaining a competitive presence as invaluable for Jamaica's growing reputation in aquatics sports.

“It's always important to have representation at top tier events, especially the Olympic Games. Our selectees, Sabrina and Josh, went through a rigorous and stressful selection process where they came out ranked at the top. The ASAJ is proud of their efforts and those who were in contention. Yona making a third straight Olympic Games is a remarkable feat and one we are also very proud as he continues to keep Jamaica on the map where diving is concerned,” Rochester said.

“I must also emphasize that, while Alia is no longer in the water representing Jamaica, she provides invaluable support to the development of our aquatics programmes behind the scenes,” he revealed.

Yona Knight-Wisdom

“This year alone, Jamaica had strong performances at key regional events such as the Carifta Games and CCCAN. We had a strong medal haul and some standout performances, so we have to ensure that we provide all of our athletes with first rate support to ensure that they transition to the elite level,” the president noted.

Finally, Rochester pointed out that the upcoming participation of the country’s aquatic athletes has already fostered a sense of pride and optimism. As such, he encouraged the trio to continue striving for excellence as their respective journey to the Olympic Games is a story of hope and inspiration for all Jamaicans.

“For an event like the Olympic Games, the ASAJ is grateful to the Jamaica Olympic Association and Government of Jamaica for the financial, logistic and technical support for our athletes. So, we just want our athletes to prepare well, trust their coaches, do their best and continue to represent Jamaica proudly and inspire others,” Rochester ended.

Robyn Chin Sang, the Aquatic Sports Association of Jamaica (ASAJ) vice-president with responsibility for artistic swimming, believes the performance of the country's young stars at the recently-concluded Worldwide Invitational Meet augurs well for the continued growth and development of the sport locally.

Chin Sang's pride was very evident, as she reflected on the manner in which a 18-member team from the Island Aquatics Synchro club, displayed their prowess among more illustrious competitors from various countries, in Coral Springs, Florida.

The athletes accompanied by two coaches and one official, secured 25 medals ---15 gold, 4 silver and 6 bronze ---bettering the 10 won by an eight-member team last year.

"The competition was much harder this year, as we had more competitors from different clubs and countries and more advance swimmers. So, it wasn't easy, but our girls did very well in putting the winnings in the bag and embodied the through Jamaican spirit of little but tallawah," Chin Sang said.

She pointed out that attending events like these are vital to the sport's continued development as they introduce younger athletes, in particular, to different levels of competition. However, the fact that the team had to conduct fundraisers to pay their way didn't escape her and she is now optimistic that their performances will assist in getting corporate Jamaica on board with the sport.

Artistic swimming, previously known as synchronised swimming, requires athletes to perform coordinated or identical movements in time to music, with performances lasting several minutes.

"These competitions give the girls the experience and drive to continue in the sport and encourage them to keep working hard to get to the new level that they witnessed on international stage like these. 

"So, we are very proud of the way they held their own and ensured the country's flag kept flying high. All 18 athletes returned with at least one medal, all our girls placed in their routines and eight of them placed in figures. In addition to that, they had four awards for placing in top 12 in figures, as well as three best figures titles in three different age categories," Chin Sang shared.

"The success of the team will have a greater impact not only on the athletes but also on the wider Jamaican community. We will have more swimmers being interested in the sport and hopefully more sponsorship will come on board from the corporate companies to help the growth of the sport and its athletes," she added.

On that note, Chin Sang lauded the unwavering efforts of Coach Olga Novokshchenova and her Island Aquatics family for their dedication to assisting the athletes by providing the training and opening up the possibility to take part in global artistic swimming competitions.

"We will continue to train for our next local competition, to take place on a date to be confirmed and then we will go from there. But the aim is always to give off our best for the athletes," she ended.


The Amateur Swimming Association of Jamaica (ASAJ) is brimming with pride over the advances made in the discipline of artistic swimming.

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