Leighton Levy

Leighton Levy

Leighton Levy is a journalist with 28 years’ experience covering crime, entertainment, and sports. He joined the staff at SportsMax.TV as a content editor two years ago and is enjoying the experience of developing sports content and new ideas. At SportsMax.tv he is pursuing his true passion - sports.

The ability to overcome adversity, hard work and a commitment to excellence led Hydel High School to their first-ever title at the 2023 ISSA GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships that concluded at the National Stadium in Kingston on Saturday, April 1.

After five days of intense competition, the Ferry-based academic institution scored 279 points to dethrone eight-time defending champion Edwin Allen by just two points.

As the team celebrated on Monday, Hydel High’s head girl and track team captain Oneika McAnnuff, delivered an emotional and inspiring speech to her fellow students that encapsulated the essence of the spirit that galvanized the 34-member team and propelled them to the historic achievement.

“The road to this victory was really bitter-sweet. In 2019, we lost champs by a mere seven points. It was a gut-wrenching feeling knowing all the hard work we had put in,” said McAnnuff, who will depart Hydel for the University of Kentucky this summer.

“With the feeling coming so close to the victory that year sparked something among the team and for 2020 we worked tirelessly.”

That work was in vain as the onset of the pandemic caused Champs to be cancelled in 2020, which was a significant blow to the school and its athletes.

“The Covid-19 virus led to all sporting events being canceled for that year. 2021 was by far the hardest year for us both as a team and a school,” she said, adding that despite the setback they managed to rise above it all.

“After finally recovering from the damage Covid-19 had done to us something tragic happened. Our school’s head office caught fire and we lost everything inside. And as you can see we’re still trying to recover from those damages.

“2022 was a spectacular year for our track team we broke a total of five records at Champs that year.  We won five of six hurdles races (and) won the 4x4 for the fifth consecutive year.

“We had six persons on the national CARIFTA team and six persons on the World U20 team that went to Cali, Colombia. And our very own Mr. Corey Bennett was the head coach of both teams.

“Our 4x400m quartet of Alliah Baker, Oneika McAnnuff, Kerrica Hill and Brianna Lyston also went on to break the Penn Relays record that was held by Garriel White, Shiann Salmon, Ronesha and Charokee Young also of Hydel. So regardless of the fact that we placed second at Boys and Girls champs we accomplished a lot as a team.”

The hard work and sacrifice finally paid off in 2023 said McAnnuff, who won the 400m hurdles and won silver in the 400m during the championships.

“Now, many persons might ask what we did differently this year? Well the answer is found in Isaiah 40:31 that says, ‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. We have been faithful and putting in all the work,” she said.

“Our coach has never put the pressure on us that we must win Champs but he believes that we must produce quality performances and we did just that. I must say the entire team did an excellent job and every single person that gave a point it made a difference.”

McAnnuff singled out one particular teammate, whose performance characterized the team’s resilience in the race to the title against the Edwin Allen juggernaut.

“I must talk to the performance of the championship from Kaydean Johnson. While competing in the 2000m steeplechase Kaydean fell over the last barrier and was passed by her competitor but instead of staying down she rises back up and sprinted to the line to claim victory for the team…that is the type of passion and guts that it took for us to take this championship,” she said.

“Many persons doubted our abilities even we ourselves sometimes felt a bit unsure but the unwavering support of all our coaches and support staff kept us grounded. It has been a long time coming and this victory just goes to show that delayed does not mean denied.”



Express Canteen, for the second year running, will be donating JMD$250,000 to help send Hydel to the 2023 Penn Relays set to run off from April 27-29. Hydel is sending an eight-member team to the relays this year.

Chairman of Express Canteen Ryan Foster made the announcement on Monday as Hydel High School celebrated their first title at ISSA GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships that concluded on Saturday, April 1.

In 2022, Hydel’s head coach Corey Bennett, revealed that the school faced financial challenges and was forced to cut members of the team they had planned to send to the Relays in Philadelphia. Express Canteen responded to the call for help and donated JMD$250,000 towards the venture.

At the celebrations at the school grounds in Ferry, St Catherine on Monday, company’s chairman Ryan Foster said they will be doing the same in 2023.

"Last year, Corey came to me for assistance to get the girls to the Penn Relays as there was an immediate shortfall being experienced. Most naturally, Express Canteen intervened and assisted them to attend the games,” said Foster, who is also Chairman of the Board of the Hydel Group of Schools.

“This year the need still exists and we are on board again to make this dream possible. My motto is "it is not how big you are as a company but is how big of a sacrifice you can make to make another person’s life better.

“The joy does not come in financial rewards but it is the many blessings that I have received over the course of my business. The Penn Relays is a staple and I believe Express Canteen will continue to support Hydel Girls, one of our key partners, to continue to excel. The support this year is $250,000."

For his part, Bennett, who is also Vice President of the Hydel Group of Schools, expressed his gratitude for the continued support.

“It is really special to get sponsorship from Express Canteen and it has come at such a good time when we try to expose our young athletes to international competition,” he said.

“It is a very timely gift to us because without these contributions we have no way to attending the Penn Relays and we are just thankful to Express Canteen that continues to invest in Jamaica’s youth through their sponsorship.”

Last year, Hydel High School broke their own Penn Relays record in the high school girls 4x400m relays when they set a time of 3:32.77. In doing so, they broke the record of 3:33.99 set in 2017.

In 2010, Dr. Walton Small, in his first year as principal at Wolmer’s High School for Boys’ presided over proceedings when they celebrated their first hold on the Mortimer Geddes Trophy in 100 years as boys’ champions of the ISSA GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships.

Fast-forward 13 years, and Dr Small, in his first year as principal of Hydel High School, is celebrating once again. The school which is celebrating its 30th anniversary won their first ever girls’ title at the 113-year-old high school championships.

Does he see himself as a sort of lucky charm?

Perhaps not, but he believes Hydel winning at the five-day athletics championships that concluded on Saturday, was the result of everyone playing their part.

“I am not sure (he is a lucky charm) but for me, my role as an educator whether it was at Wolmer’s or at Hydel, is of father, motivator,” he said as the school celebrated at its Ferry campus in St Catherine, the historic win after dethroning eight-time defending champions Edwin Allen by a mere two points – 279 to 277.

“That is my role to make them feel special; tell them at devotion, let them dance at devotion. I brought Mr (Coach Corey) Bennett there. I said come and dance for them at devotion so that they can feel relaxed and comfortable. So, I think that our role is to make sure they are good, make sure their assignments are done.

“We played our part and left the important part to the track team. They have done something special this year, the 30th anniversary.”

The timing of the victory, he said, was significant as he believes it will bring attention to the school’s desperate needs.

“I think it (the championship) was to bring attention to us. The school has been ravaged by fire, by the pandemic. We need serious support, we need attention; Corporate Jamaica and government needs to come in and assist us,” he said explaining that Hydel has so much to offer.

“This can be a one-stop shop for track and field and quality academic education because we are balancing sports.

“I have no doubt that this is going to help us. We can’t even manage any influx of athletes now because we do not have the proper facilities to accommodate them. We have the buildings but we need to retro-fit them. Once we get this help we can accommodate as many students as possible because we have a lot of buildings here,” said Dr Small who was appointed principal in September 2022.

Early on in the proceedings on Monday, the celebrations began under the blazing mid-morning sun when members of the victorious track team led the excited student population in a march onto the campus to the sound of music and blaring vuvuzelas.

Coach Corey Bennett came dancing once more, which raised the intensity of the cheers seemingly ten-fold. He danced on stage with his athletes before delivering an inspirational speech about the early days of Hydel track and field, how it has grown and developed over the last decade despite lingering doubts about the school’s ability to win a championship.  A coach, who is no longer in the sport “told me I was wasting my time,” he said.

He said Hydel sent a four-member team to their first ever Champs in 2010 when they finished 11th. A few years later they were fifth and after a few years of coming close, they have finally delivered.

He ended with a recital of the Lord’s Prayer with the audience joining in before shouting “God is good! God is good!”

CEO and President of GraceKennedy Financial Group, Grace Burnett, hailed the athletes for the tremendous achievement while singling out the performance of Kaydeen Johnson, who fell at the final barrier of the 2000m steeplechase but still managed to rise and go on to win. Johnson also won the 3000m.

Burnett said that what happened in the steeplechase was inspirational.

“Kaydeen fell during the steeplechase, she got up and she ran and she won,” she said to cheers and blaring vuvuzelas. “Sometimes in life things knock you down. You can stay lying down or you can get up, you can put your heart into it and still win.”

 She also singled out “superstar” Alana Reid who won three gold medals – the 100m in a new record of 10.92, the 200m and the 4x100m relay, team captain Oneika McAnnuff, who won the 400m hurdles and was second in the 400m, whom she described as a true leader.

She also mentioned Jody-Ann Daley who won the Class II 400m and Nastassia Fletcher, who took home gold in the Class III one lap race.

Hydel Board Chairman Ryan Foster also praised the team and shed light on the process of how the board assembled a team of administrators that helped give Hydel the push to create history in Jamaica’s high school track and field.

An expired Therapeutic Use Exemption certificate has caused Trinidad and Tobago long jumper Tyra Gittens to accept a six-month ban for the unintentional use of a prohibited substance. The ban took effect from September 26, 2022 and any results in competition since June 26, 2022, have been wiped from her record, which means she loses her results from the 2022 World Championships in Eugene, Oregon and Commonwealth Games in Birmingham England.

The ban has since expired which means she is now free to train and compete.

World Athletics’ Athletics Integrity United (AIU) ruled on Monday that the athlete was ineligible for a person of six months after a sample she provided in June 2022 was found to contain methylphenidate/ritalinic acid, a prohibited substance that is an ingredient of the medication she takes for ADHD.

However, at the time the sample was taken, Gittens’ Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) had expired. The AIU said it accepts that the athlete had not realized that her previous TUE had expired by the time that the first sample was taken at the national Trinidad and Tobago championships on June 26, 2022.

“She was not advised that the TTO Sample was positive for methylphenidate, or that her TUE had expired for this purpose, until November 2022, after the sample collected from her at the World Championships on July 23, 2022,” the AIU said adding that they also accept that Gittens had no information at the time of her second World Athletics sample that her TUE application was incomplete.

“The AIU also accepts that the medication was used for legitimate medical reasons and the athlete did not intend to cheat. Accordingly, the AIU accepts that the violation was not ‘intentional’.”

Gittens, who turned pro just last week, addressed the development on her Instagram on Monday stating that, “My Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for taking ADHD medication was not approved in time for the World Championships last summer, which caused me to test positive for methylphenidate.

“Even though I have taken the same medication for years and had the same TUE for the Tokyo Olympics, I did not complete the application correctly. To put this behind me, my team and I accepted a six-month suspension backdated to Sept(ember) 25, which means the period of ineligibility is already served, and I can proceed with my season. During that time, I learned so much more about myself, my priorities, and my goals.”

She also revealed that this was not the only challenge she had to face in the last year.

“The last year and a half was one of the most challenging times of my life. First my transfer, it was a huge leap of faith and it extremely last minute. It was complicated learning a new event, having a new coach, new training schedules, new programs, living in a new city, and being in a new environment,” she said.

“It was an extremely confusing and overwhelming time and it led me to not trust myself and it showed in my performance last year.

“Secondly, earlier that year I lost my grandmother to diabetes. In August my aunt lost her battle with breast cancer, two weeks later my last grandmother passed away. Losing those amazing women was extremely heartbreaking. They were fighters and even though it was tough moving on, their stories motivated me to continue my fight as well.”

She revealed that these trials have made her stronger and better prepared for anything that life will throw at her.

“I am a different woman because of last year’s trials and tribulations. It has made me stronger, more trusting of myself, happier, and more at peace with my reality,” she said.

“I’m so thankful for the people who were behind me during this extremely lonely time of my life. Now it’s time to get back to work and continue my journey of turning my dreams into reality.”



 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce said she felt ‘compelled’ to defend her family’s honour when against her better judgement and her coach’s advice she entered the parents’ race at her son Zyon’s school sports day last week Friday.

A video of the fastest mommy on the planet decimating other mommies in a dash went viral and was eventually published on global online platforms including the BBC, Sky Sports and Sportsbible.

But why would a woman considered the best 100m female sprinter of all time, risk possible injury by competing in an inconsequential event even as she prepares to win a record-extending sixth 100m world title in Budapest in five months?

She explained that after watching her son and husband fall short, she was ‘overwhelmed’ by competitive spirit that helped propel her to two Olympic 100m gold medals, a record five world titles and to becoming the second-fastest woman alive.

 “I feel like I have been waiting all my life for this moment,” she joked on Sunday in a post on Instagram that included a video that chronicled the events of last Friday.

“I initially had no intention of running in the parents’ race – even my coach advised me not to run but my teammates weren’t doing so hot.

“Zyon ran his first race and fell, He tried again and got bronze in the obstacle race. So, I sent Jason (her husband) to handle business and bring home gold in the male parent race, but that didn’t go so well either.”

It was against that background that she decided to step in and right the wrongs.

“And, as an Olympian,” she continued, “it just didn’t make sense for us to leave without bringing home a single piece of gold, so I decided to race.

“We ended up getting two bronze medals…a participation medal and a first-place medal in the women’s parent race to redeem the Pryce’s family name. All in all, I’m so proud of my son and happy enjoyed sports day.”



O’Brien Wasome and Ackelia Smith won their respective field events at the Texas Relays this past weekend where Ashanti Moore was on the podium in both 100m and 200m sprints.

Aided by a trailing wind of 3.1m/s, Wasome, a former Texas Longhorn, leapt out to a distance of 17.00m to win the triple jump over Chris Carter (16.61m) and Ohio State’s Clarence Foote-Talley (16.58).

Virginia State’s Owayne Evans finished fourth with his effort of 16.53m.

Meanwhile, Smith, a current Longhorn, won the long jump with a leap of 6.57m.

Synclair Savage finished in second place with 6.53m while Anthaya Charlton took the final podium spot having leapt out to 6.52m.

Moore was second in the 100m and third in the 200m, races won by Olympic bronze medallist Gabby Thomas.

Thomas stormed to victory in the 100m in 11.07s leaving in her wake Moore, who clocked 11.23 and Lynna Irby-Jackson 11.31.

Irby-Jackson and Moore switched places in the half-lap sprint that Thomas won in 22.49. Irby-Jackson ran 22.71 for the runner-up spot with Moore not far behind in 22.79.

Rising star Adeajah Hodge and Olympic and World Champion Steven Gardiner emerged triumphant in their respective events at the two-day 2023 Florida Relays that concluded at the Percy Beard Track Field in Gainesville on Saturday.

With the CARIFTA Games just around the corner, 16-year-old Hodge, the defending U17 Girls sprint-double champion, showed that she will enter competition for the British Virgin Islands in good form after running away with the 100m dash.

On Friday, the Montverde Academy Junior clocked 11.26 to win with daylight between her and McKenzie Travis of Evangelical Christian who finished in 11.47. Travis had to fight hard to hold off a fast-finishing Cynteria James, who was third in 11.49.

Also, on Friday, the outstanding Bahamian Gardiner, who missed the 2022 World Championships with injury, signaled a return to good health and form, clocking a fast 20.14 to win the 200m by some distance over Trevor Bassitt (20.53) and Matthew Hudson Smith (20.56).

It was Gardiner’s fourth-fastest time over 200m.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, former Texas A&M standout Charokee Young, in her first season as a professional was the runner-up in the 400m Olympic development race beaten by Gabby Scott who clocked 51.24.

Young, who’s high school, Hydel won the Girls’ title at the 2023 ISSA GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships in her home country of Jamaica, was a close second in 51.31.

Stephanie Davis was third in 51.87.

Her compatriot, Jelani Walker was also a runner-up, this time in the 100m dash that was won by American teen sensation Erriyon Knighton, who clocked a slightly windy 9.98 for the victory.

Walker was on his shoulder clocking 10.01 while the talented Joseph Fahnbulleh was third in 10.04.

Jamaica’s Andrew Hudson was fourth in 10.05.

Alick Athanaze and Rahkeem Cornwall were the best performers with the bat and ball, respectively during the just-concluded West Indies Championships that saw the Guyana Harpy Eagles walk away with the title.

The Guyana franchsie amassed 84 points during the championships and was followed by the Windward Islands Hurricanes who scored 74.2 points over the five rounds of competition. They were followed by the Barbados Pride with 55.6, the Trinidad and Tobago Red Force 49.4 and the Leeward Islands Hurricanes 46.2.

The Jamaica Scorpions finished at the bottom of the six-team table with 25.6 points having failed to win a game all season.

Athanaze, the Volcanoes’ middle-order batsman, who was dismissed for a duck in his final innings of the season, scored 647 runs that included two hundreds and four half-centuries at an average of 64.70.

Cornwall was tops among the bowlers claiming 35 wickets during the season and enjoyed best bowling figures of 11-69 against the Scorpions. The Hurricanes’ spinner took his wickets at an impressive average of 14.34 and economy of 2.36.

Wicketkeeper Jahmar Hamilton had the most dismissals -19- that included 17 catches and two stumpings while in the outfield, Zachary McCaskie held 13 catches during the season.

Defending champions Edwin Allen High and Kingston College are the respective girls' and boys' leaders at the end of action on the penultimate day of the 2023 ISSA/GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Championships at the National Stadium in Kingston on Friday.

After 22 completed finals on Friday, Edwin Allen has scored 147 points with their fierce rivals Hydel High on 131.5 points. Holmwood Technical have so far amassed 92 points while St Jago High (80) and St Catherine High (47) rounding out the top-five girls schools.

Among the boys, Kingston College, after 21 finals has scored 190 points, 30 clear of Jamaica College (160).  Calabar High have 95 points. St Elizabeth Technical (54) and St Jago (37) complete the top five schools.

In the finals completed on Friday, Shameer Blake and Oneika McAnuff proved too strong for their rivals in the Class I 400m hurdles.

In the Class II event, Jamaica College’s Deandre Gayle lived up to his favourite tag to win a keenly contested race.

Blake of St. Elizabeth Technical took command of his final from the get-go and enjoyed a comfortable lead up to about 350m when Edwin Allen’s Tyrece Hyman began to close with every stride. Hyman was on Blake’s shoulder as they cleared the final hurdle but the STETHS athlete dug deep to hold Hyman off and win in 50.76.

Hyman was a close second in 51.04. He had to hold off a fast-finishing Antonio Forbes of Kingston College, who clocked 51.09 for the bronze medal.

It was the opposite for McAnnuff, the defending champion who found herself in fourth place as the hurdlers made their way down the home stretch. However, she surged to get by Tonyan Beckford of Edwin Allen and win comfortably in 56.46.

Beckford won the silver medal clocking 57.14. Hydel’s Alliah Baker, who was also ahead of McAnnuff late, faded to third in 58.37.

The Class II event was a battle royal between Gayle, Requel Reid of Calabar and Taj-Oneil Gordon of Kingston College. All three were within close proximity with just over 80m to go when Gayle surged to separate himself from the now chasing pack.

He managed to hold on and win in 52.75 over Reid who ran 53.24 for the silver medal. Gordon had to settle for the bronze having run 53.70.

Ainsley Campbell of Kingston College won the 2000m steeplechase in 6:13.57, almost five seconds ahead of Nellie Ambriton of Jamaica College, who crossed the finish line in 6:18.56. Adriano Brown of  Calabar High ran 6:22.33 to claim the bronze medal.

The girls’ event went to Kaydeen Johnson of Hydel High who ran 7:15.01 to win the gold medal over Terrica Clarke of Holmwood Technical, who clocked 7:17.04 and Sanyae Gibson of Edwin Allen High, who stopped the clock at 7:27.51.

In the field, Dionjah Shaw of Edwin Allen High threw 46.27m to win the Girls Class II discuss over her teammate Shamoyea Morris, who flung the disc out to a mark of 44.95m. Marla-Kay Lambert of Clarendon College threw 43.15m for the bronze medal.

Gabrilla Treasure of St Catherine emerged the victor in a closely contested Class IV high jump for girls with a clearance of 1.55m. Campion College’s Stefvanco Henry also sailed over 1.55m but finished second on the count back.

Meanwhile, Adajah Drysdale of Wolmer’s Girl finished third after clearing 1.50m.

The Class I Girls high jump was won by Vere Technical’s Torian Caven who sailed over 1.82m. Edwin Allen’s Rasheda Samuels won the silver medal with her clearance of 1.79m and Richelle Stanley of St Elizabeth Technical picking up the bronze medal with 1.70m.

Trevon Hamel of Jamaica College picked up a valuable nine points in the Class I triple jump leaping out to 15.61m to take the gold medal.

Javar Thomas of Kingston College jumped 15.37m for the silver medal and seven points while Kesean Rhoomes of Cornwall College who established a mark of 14.50m.


Kingston College’s Bouwahjghie Nkrumie and Hydel High School’s Alana Reid established new records and created history in the 100m finals that concluded Wednesday’s second day of the 2023 ISSA GraceKennedy Boys and Girls Athletics Championships at the National Stadium in Kingston.

Both athletes delivered massive firsts for Jamaican junior athletes winning in 9.99 and 10.92, respectively, national junior records.

Nkrumie, 19, whose 10.02 at the World U20 Championships in Colombia last year, was a national junior record, lowered his own mark to 9.99 to win the Class 1 Boys 100m final. Nkrumie gave fair warning in the semi-finals when he eased to 10.08 to break Zharnel Hughes’ record of 10.12 set in 2014.

In the final, he left it all on the track becoming the first male athlete to break 10 seconds at the 113-year-old championships and only the third junior in history to break 10 seconds. Only the USA’s Trayvon Brommel and Botswana’s Letsile Tebogo have run the 100m under 10 seconds as juniors.

The KC star dragged Herbert Morrison’s Deandre Daley to a personal best 10.14 for the silver medal while Jaiden Reid of Jamaica College was third in 10.26.

Reid became the first female to break 11 seconds at the championships, shattering Veronica Campbell’s record of 11.12 set back in 2001.

It was supposed to be a clash between Reid from Hydel and Serena Cole of Edwin Allen and things were shaping up for a monumental battle between the two who split two races this season. The appetite of the fans gathered at the national stadium was whetted in anticipation of a battle royal in the final when Reid cruised to a personal best 11.16 to win her heat.

The gauntlet thrown down, Cole responded with a seemingly effortless 11.17 but her grimace as she crossed the finish line in her semi-final was ominous.

The news that eventually surfaced confirmed the fear. Cole was out with a hamstring injury but that didn’t faze Reid, who destroyed the field that included World U20 100m hurdles silver medalist Alexis James.

She stormed across the line to break Tina Clayton’s national junior record set in August 2022, less than a year ago at the World U20 Championships in Cali, Colombia. The time that makes her the 11th fastest Jamaican woman in history is also a world-leading time.

James of Petersfield High was a distant second in 11.45 while Tonie-Ann Forbes of Edwin Allen High was third in 11.47.

The Class II finals were not as spectacular but were nonetheless impressive as Calabar High School’s Shaquane Gordon won in 10.40 barely holding off Tremaine Todd of St Elizabeth Technical who was a close second in 10.42.

Dontae Watson of Jamaica College ran 10.72 for third.

Meanwhile, Abigaile Wolfe of Holy Childhood High ran a personal best 11.59 for the gold medal. Shemonique Hazle of Hydel won the silver medal clocking 11.65 with Lavanya Williams of William Knibb breathing down her neck in 11.66.

Kingston College’s Joshua Spence took the Class III Boys crown in 10.92 ahead of Jamaica College’s  Malique Spence 11.01 and Shaun Lewis of St Elizabeth Technical 11.07.

Among the girls, Theianna-Lee Terrelonge of Edwin Allen successfully defended her title winning in a smart 11.49. The 2022 Carifta Games silver medallist held off a fast-closing Natrece East of Wolmer’s Girls, who ran 11.59.

St Jago High School’s Poshanna-Lee Blake was third in 11.89.

Immaculate High School enjoyed a 1-2 finish in the Class IV 100m finals with Kayla Johnson clocking 11.97 to win gold ahead of her teammate Naje Brown 12.20.

Gabrielle Morgan of Hydel ram 12.24 for the bronze medal.

At the end of proceedings on Wednesday,  Jamaica College leads the boys standings with 74 points with defending champions Kingston College 13 points behind on 61. Calabar lie third with 29 points, one more than St Jago and two clear of St Elizabeth Technical.

Among the girls, defending champions Edwin Allen lead with 55 points with St Jago not far behind on 47 points.

Holmwood Technical are third with 41 points while Hydel are fourth with 39.

Immaculate High’s 23 points see them lie fifth on the standings.







Terrance Hinds and Anderson Phillip each scored crucial half-centuries to rescue Trinidad and Tobago Red Force from 119-7 to 302 all out against the Jamaica Scorpions at Torouba on Thursday. At stumps, the Scorpions had already a lost a wicket with only five runs on the board.

Trinidad were in trouble on 119-7 with only Tion Webster (30) and Joshua Da Silva (39) making useful contributions against the bowling of Marquino Mindley, Ojay Shields and Derval Green doing the early damage.

However, Hinds and Bryan Charles began the fightback with a 66-run partnership for the eighth wicket which took the Red Force to 185 when Charles was dismissed for only nine. A bigger partnership was to follow between Hinds and Phillip, who put on exactly 100 for the ninth wicket.

Hinds, who looked certain to make a hundred, was eventually dismissed for 94 by Shields who finished with 2-72.

Phillips and Shannon Gabriel took the score past 300 before Jeavor Royal dismissed Gabriel for 10, leaving Phillips unbeaten on 63.

Green took 3-56, Royal 2-60 and Mindley 2-56.

Phillip dismissed Tevin Gilzene for one to close out the day.

Jamaica’s national women’s badminton champion Tahlia Richardson is enjoying a purple patch, something she welcomes as she continues her journey in attempting to qualify for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France.

Ever since she won the Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles titles at the Jamaica National Badminton Championships in November last year, Richardson has been on a tear.

This past weekend, March 25, she won the Mixed Doubles and Women’s Open Doubles at the Doubles Mania Tournament at GC Foster College in Spanish Town, St Catherine. The 2022 Female Badminton Athlete of the Year partnered with Kenneth Anglin to win the mixed doubles over Antoinette Ingleton and TJ Hines and then teamed up with former national champion Katherine Wynter to win the Women’s Doubles.

She went into the tournament coming off a bronze medal winning performance with Samuel Ricketts at the 2023 Giraldilla International in Havana, Cuba from March 16-19. And, in February, she won the Tournament of Kings defeating Wynter in the final.

She credits these successes to the work she has been putting in to improve her game.

“I think I have done really well whereas my fitness is up, I am getting more technical work in and I am able to go to tournaments and perform,” she said.

“The bronze medal for mixed was good. We lost to Bulgaria who ended up winning the tournament so that said something about the level we’re playing at,” she said.

“For singles I made it to the quarter-finals, which is good (Olympic qualification) points. I had played the top seed.”

The improved play, she said, has helped her go deeper into tournaments, another sign of her improved play.

“I have been matriculating into tournaments better and better. Whereas I used to make it to the round of 16 now I am making it to the quarter-finals which shows that there is improvement and getting good points geared towards the Olympics in 2024.”









Trinidad and Tobago Olympian Tyra Gittens has gone professional.

The 24-year-old Gittens announced on Instagram on Monday that has signed with Puma.

“Turning dreams into reality. I am proud to announce that I’m a new member of team Puma,” she said.

“The transition into my professional career was not smooth or easy but I have amazing people in my corner who rooted for me when I didn’t feel worthy of it. So excited to start this new chapter of my life.”

Gittens was an outstanding athlete while at Texas A&M University where she excelled at the heptathlon, high jump and long jump events.

In 2021 at SEC Outdoor Track and Field Championships, she jumped 6.96m to place her inside the top 10 for the year so far and set Trinidad and Tobago records in Heptathlon 6418 points, high jump 1.95 m  and long jump 6.96 m.

However, those 6418 points where just two points shy of the Olympic standard and caused her to miss 2020 Tokyo Olympics in that event.

However, she did qualify for the Olympics where she jumped 6.60m to finish 10th overall.

She struggled for form in 2022, when she jumped 6.27m for 11th place at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England. She was also well below her best in the high jump clearing 1.76m for 14th place in the high jump.

At the World Championships in Eugene, Oregon that year she only managed 6.44m for 19th place in the long jump.

She was fourth at the NACAC Senior Championships with her best effort of 6.25m.

Later that year, Gittens transferred from Texas A&M to University of Texas citing a need to shift her focus from the heptathlon to the long and high jump events.

“I don’t feel like I outgrew it because I still have a lot of things that I wanted to do in the hep and accomplish in the hep. But at the same time, you kind of have to feel your body. It’s a lot to do the hep, I’m not going to lie, and so I wanted to challenge myself in other ways,” said Gittens in a media interview in 2022.

Now, armed with her Puma contract, Gittens can now turn her focus to the Paris Olympics in 2024.

“My goals are not something you necessarily can write down. It’s more of a feeling and how I carry myself and how I adapt and how I push through all of the things that has led me here. I think that’s what my goal is for this year  — to overcome a lot of things that the younger Tyra wouldn’t have been able to,” she said.



Shericka Jackson and Sada Williams produced standout performances at the Velocity Fest meeting at the National Stadium in Kingston on Saturday when rising star Tina Clayton took the scalp of Briana Williams in their first encounter as professionals over 200m.

Jackson was the toast of the meet with a stirring run down the home stretch to clock a meet record and season best 50.92, her fastest time ever in March. The reigning world 200m champion has her eyes set on going faster than the 21.45 she ran to win her first ever global title in Eugene, Oregon last summer and on the evidence of what she has accomplished so far this season building on her endurance, she is well on track.

Coming off the final turn, Jackson running in lane six, found herself trailing Elite Performance’s Stacey-Ann Williams, the Olympic 4x400m bronze medallist and simply shifted gears to surge past the 24-year-old quarter-miler towards the finish line.

Williams ran a creditable 51.59 for second place while Commonwealth Games 400m hurdles champion Janieve Russell finished third in 52.77.

The men’s race was equally thrilling with 2022 Carifta Games champion Roshawn Clarke, who is now at Swept Track Club, holding off the field to win in a personal best 45.85.

Titan’s International runner Assinie Wilson clocked 45.95 for second place. Malik Kymani James King ran a season-best 46.39 for third.

The 200m races were run in an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ and both were interesting for different reasons.

The ‘A’ final featured World Championship bronze medalist Sada Williams of Barbados, the 2022 Commonwealth Games champion and she looked every bit the part as she ran down Toyko 4x100m relay gold medallist Natasha Morrison to win in a season-best 22.98.

Morrison held on for second place in 23.24 while Tovea Jenkins was third in 23.91.

The ‘B’ final had two of Jamaica’s rising sprint stars, Briana Williams, who celebrated her 21st birthday on Tuesday, March 21 and 18-year-old Tina Clayton, the World U20 100m champion.

In truth, it was expected to be a close contest, but it wasn’t.

Clayton running inside Williams’ surged past her elder rival midway the curve and extended her lead once she hit the straight before going on to win in 23.69. Williams, who got a poor start and ran a poor curve, tightened up down the stretch and was passed by Indian sprinter Srabandi Wada, who finished second in 23.98, forcing the Jamaican to settle for fourth in a disappointing 24.03.

The Men’s 100m final proved to be anti-climactic as the three main protagonists Zharnel Hughes, Julian Forte and Nigel Ellis, all of whom looked sharp in their preliminary heats, were disqualified after false starts.

Without them, Canada’s Brendon Rodney stormed to victory in a personal best 10.17, just ahead of Wolmer’s Boys Jehlani Gordon who ran a personal best 10.22 and the ‘msyterious’ Sachin Dennis, who was third in a season-best 10.23.

Tyler Mason came up trumps in the 110m hurdles winning in 13.68, well clear of Odario Phillips 13.83 and LaFranz Campbell 13.85.

Elvis Graham of GC Foster established a meet record 74.58m to win the javelin over Oraine Thomas (68.97m) and Devon Spencer 68.32m.

Fedrick Dacres threw 64.29m to win the men’s discus ahead of clubmate Traves Smikle (63.77), and Kai Chang of the University of the West Indies (60.69m

Dr Kishore Shallow was elected unopposed as the new president of Cricket West Indies at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting in Antigua on Saturday. He will have Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board President Asim Bassarath as his vice president.

Dr. Shallow succeeds Ricky Skerritt, who decided not to seek a third term. Skerritt became president in 2019 after defeating three-term president Dave Cameron in Kingston.

The new president, who also leads the Windward Islands Cricket Board, has promised significant changes to the way the CWI operates going forward. Those changes will manifest atop four key pillars that include cricket development; human capital, commercial and marketing as well as governance.

In a recent interview, Dr Shallow said he intends to invest in the development of young cricketers from the grassroots to the senior level while establishing a culture of pride and passion for West Indies cricket.

The new president also plans to incorporate modern-day best practices that align with Caribbean culture as well as implementing a viable and lucrative commercial model to enhance revenue streams for Cricket West Indies.

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