Zander Fagerson admits he is “relieved” not to have had his World Cup dream dashed by suspension after going through an emotional “roller coaster” in the aftermath of his red card in Scotland’s recent home win over France.

There were fears the Glasgow prop might miss at least part of the upcoming showpiece in France after he was sent off for making contact with the head of Les Bleus hooker Pierre Bourgarit at the side of a ruck.

After an anxious few days for the 27-year-old, he learned last week that he would face a reduced two-game ban, ruling him out of last weekend’s rematch with the French in Saint Etienne and the home game against Georgia later this month before freeing him up to play in the World Cup opener against South Africa in Marseille.

“It’s been a bit of a roller coaster but I’m just relieved,” he told the PA news agency. “I’m remorseful for what happened, but it’s one of these things and you’ve got to move on from it and learn from your mistakes.”

Fagerson explained how the sight of his children helped him deal with the gloomy post-game realisation that his dismissal may have put his World Cup chances in jeopardy.

“I was pretty down afterwards but by my wife and kids were there (at Murrayfield) and my kids didn’t care about what had happened, they just wanted to see their dad,” he said.

“I was gutted but that helped put a smile back on my face. It (the incident) was done, I couldn’t do anything to change it, so I just had to go through the process and wait for the outcome.

“I’m gutted I got suspended, but I’m relieved I can play the first game. It’s done now, I’ve got to move on and learn from it.”

Fagerson insists it is not in his nature to go into any Test without full commitment, even if there is a risk his wholehearted playing style could cost him involvement in a career pinnacle.

“You can’t go into games at this stage worrying about injury or suspension, because you’re not focusing on the task at hand if you’re doing that,” he said.

“You can’t let that cross your mind. Any time I play for Scotland is a massive opportunity and I don’t take it for granted. I go into every game fully committed.”

With his suspension ruling him out of next week’s match at home to Georgia, Fagerson – who has played just 50 minutes of rugby this summer – must focus on ensuring he is in prime shape for the Springboks showdown three weeks on Sunday.

“Fingers crossed I get selected for the first game, that’s a massive goal for me and one I’m doing everything I can to make sure I’m in the best physical condition for,” he said.

Fagerson is heading to his second World Cup after being part of the squad that went to Japan four years ago, but this will be his first with his younger brother Matt, who has also been included in Gregor Townsend’s 33-man pool.

“Sadly Matt didn’t make it in 2019, but he was really excited for me and I was gutted for him, so to go out together this time will be really special,” said Fagerson. “It will be great for the family as well. Hopefully we can make some memories over there together.”

Abi Tierney has promised to deliver “North Star” leadership to guide the Welsh Rugby Union away from what has been described as a “toxic culture” at the organisation.

Tierney will join the WRU next January at the latest after serving notice at the Home Office, where she is the director general for customer services and ethics advisor and chair of its people committee.

Her appointment comes nearly seven months after Steve Phillips resigned as WRU chief executive following a BBC documentary which aired allegations of racism, misogyny, sexism and homophobia and the existence of a “toxic culture” at the game’s governing body.

“People realise mistakes have been made, people are disappointed in what’s happened but there’s an absolute passion, desire and commitment to turn it around and make a difference,” Tierney said at a press conference in Cardiff.

“My job is to harness that and give people them that North Star that they can go towards. I wouldn’t have taken the job if I hadn’t seen that potential.

“I’ve done due diligence on this job. I’ve left a job I love and it had to be the right move.

“Since I’ve been here I’ve been getting to know my colleagues and stakeholders. All I see is potential. I can feel it, it’s almost visceral.”

WRU chiefs admitted being in “denial” after the damaging allegations were broadcast in January and said warning signs were missed.

An external taskforce was set up to carry out an independent review and the report will be published soon. The WRU has said it will accept all the recommendations in the taskforce report.

Tierney said: “I’m holding my thoughts just a little until we get that report and what we need to do on the back of that.

“But someone used the word ‘unity’ when we met with the Welsh Rugby Council and I’ve got the chance to create that.

“What’s the alternative? We can’t not have rugby and we can’t have it described as that. When I heard about this job I thought ‘if not me, then who?

“I would be disappointed if someone else got it? I knew I could do the job, so I didn’t want that regret.”

The WRU has pledged that 40 per cent of its 12-person board should be women and the organisation insists it is on schedule to fulfil that ambition.

Tierney, whose father comes from Barry and admits to having “goose bumps” when she was appointed, says she understands the “additional responsibility” that comes with being first female to be WRU chief executive.

She said: “I’ve used the word responsibility but I’ve been appointed not because I’m female, but because of my leadership skills and capabilities.

“I know people will look up to me and we can all see the world of women in sport opening up with the Lionesses, the Ashes and netball this summer.

“I’m part of that but 10 years ago it would have been a lonely place sat here, but actually I feel I’m part of a movement in some ways.

“It’s a movement that’s going to go from strength to strength and (Welsh Rugby Union) has put me at the forefront of that by having faith in me as a female to lead the organisation. The dream is that young girls see this and think they can do it as well.”

WRU chair Richard Collier-Keywood described Tierney’s appointment as a “hugely significant moment for Welsh rugby”.

He added: “I want to be really clear that we did not appoint Abi because of her gender.

“She was the best candidate and were the best candidate a man we would have appointed him. I think it’s helpful the two outstanding roles are gender-balanced, but I want to be clear she was the best candidate.”

Nigel Walker, who has acted as interim CEO since Phillips’ departure, will become the WRU’s first executive director of rugby when Tierney takes up her role.

Ireland head coach Andy Farrell has branded the “circus” around son Owen Farrell’s disciplinary process “absolutely disgusting”.

The England captain’s participation in the World Cup is in fresh doubt after World Rugby appealed against the decision to overturn his red card from Saturday’s clash with Wales.

An independent disciplinary panel caused an outcry on Tuesday when it cleared 31-year-old Farrell to play following his shoulder-led tackle to the head of Taine Basham, which was expected to result in a significant ban.

England head coach Steve Borthwick has subsequently opted to leave the Saracens fly-half out of his squad for Saturday’s World Cup warm-up clash against Ireland in Dublin.

Farrell senior, who concedes his view on the situation is not impartial,  expressed anger at some of the intense criticism his son has faced.

“Whatever I say is probably flawed anyway,” said the 48-year-old.

“When you’re talking about somebody’s son and asking the question, it’s always going to be flawed, so what does that really matter?

“I don’t normally say too much because of that type of reason about my son.

“But what I probably would say at this moment in time is that the circus that’s gone on in and around all of this is absolutely disgusting, in my opinion, disgusting.

“I suppose those people that have loved their time in the sun get a few more days to keep going at that.”

Owen Farrell’s participation in the World Cup is in doubt again after World Rugby appealed against the decision to overturn his red card from Saturday’s clash with Wales.

An independent disciplinary panel caused an outcry on Tuesday when it cleared Farrell to play despite his shoulder-led tackle to the head of Taine Basham that was expected to result in a significant ban.

But having examined the written judgement of the hearing, World Rugby believes there are grounds for an appeal, the date for which has yet to be confirmed.

The furore surrounding England’s captain – instigated by a verdict that 2003 World Cup-winning coach Sir Clive Woodward insists has “made the game a complete and utter laughing stock” – has had repercussions for Saturday’s clash with Ireland.

Steve Borthwick had intended to pick Farrell for the Dublin showdown but revealed when announcing his team that he had been forced to revise his plans, instead starting George Ford at fly-half with Marcus Smith present on the bench.

“In my original planning for the Summer Nations Series and as part of our World Cup preparation, Owen Farrell was due to be selected to play in Saturday’s Test,” Borthwick said.

“However, in light of the fact that so much of Owen’s training and match preparation time this week has been significantly affected and interrupted by the disciplinary process, I have not selected him in the matchday 23. Owen will travel to Ireland with our full support.

“Owen understands the situation but is of course disappointed, as I am, that he is missing such a special game that he would otherwise have played in.”

Abi Tierney has been appointed the first female chief executive of the Welsh Rugby Union.

Tierney will join the WRU before the end of 2023 after serving notice at the Home Office, where she is the director general for customer services and ethics advisor and chair of their people committee.

Her appointment comes nearly seven months after Steve Phillips resigned as WRU chief executive amid allegations of a “toxic culture” at the organisation.

“Abi’s appointment is a major coup for Welsh rugby,” said Richard Collier-Keywood, who succeeded former Wales wing Ieuan Evans as WRU chair last month.

“She has worked successfully across the private and public sectors in delivering commercial value and improving the culture of some complex organisations.

“The role of the WRU is to support and serve Welsh rugby across our elite teams to our 270 community clubs.

“Her mantra of ‘putting customers at the heart of everything we do’ bodes well for the many fans of rugby in Wales.

“I believe Abi will make a major contribution to our enjoyment of all aspects of the game in Wales. I am delighted she has decided to join us.”

Welsh rugby was rocked in January by a BBC documentary which aired allegations of racism, misogyny, sexism and homophobia at the WRU.

A committee of Senedd members noted in June that the WRU was responsible for a “serious failure of governance” and missed opportunities to act on concerning behaviour within the organisation.

Tierney will take over from interim chief executive Nigel Walker, the former Olympic hurdler and Wales international who will now become the WRU’s first director of rugby.

Tierney said: “The opportunity to lead the Welsh Rugby Union is an immense privilege and I relish the chance to make a lasting positive difference at such a critical time.

“My passion and commitment for this role is unquestionable and I feel a huge sense of pride having grown up in a family where my dad is from Barry and where rugby has been a constant and positive force in our lives.

“Rugby has the ability to enable life chances and develop people on and off the pitch. In this role, I intend to take that heritage and the skills and learning I have gathered in my career to deliver the significant cultural advancement Welsh rugby deserves. I have a track record in positively shaping an organisation’s culture.

“I am an inclusive leader and I will do my utmost to promote belonging, trust, understanding and mutual support at all levels in Welsh rugby.

“Alongside Richard as chair, Nigel in his new and vitally important role as director of rugby and my colleagues on the board, and the rest of the executive staff, we will realise the full potential of Welsh rugby in the years ahead and I look forward to the challenge.”

Tierney will join a revamped board which already includes new independent non-executive director Alison Thorne, with Chris Morgan standing down to allow the move.

The WRU says its stated – and member approved – ambition to ensure that at least 40 per cent of its 12-person board should be women remains on course.

Recruitment is ongoing for a further INED appointment, as well as a board member with specific responsibility for the women’s game and further elections for new council members are taking place this summer.

Ireland back-rower Cian Prendergast will make his first Test start in Saturday’s World Cup warm-up clash with England in Dublin.

The Connacht player, who has won two caps as a replacement, has been selected at number eight, with the influential Caelan Doris providing back-up from the bench.

Andy Farrell has recalled 11 of the team which clinched Six Nations Grand Slam glory against Steve Borthwick’s men in March.

Centre Garry Ringrose and lock Tadhg Beirne, who were both injured for that 29-16 win, and fly-half Ross Byrne join Prendergast in coming in to a strong starting XV.

Munster wing Keith Earls is poised to win his 100th cap from the bench.

Prendergast came on in the first half of Ireland’s 33-17 win over Italy on August 5 in place of the injured Jack Conan.

With Conan still sidelined by a foot issue, the 23-year-old is given a major opportunity to provide competition for key man Doris, who was named man of the match following two tries against the Azzurri.

Head coach Farrell has named a completely different team to the experimental side which began that match.

Owen Farrell’s participation in the World Cup is in renewed doubt after World Rugby appealed against the decision to overturn his red card from Saturday’s clash with Wales.

An independent disciplinary panel caused an outcry on Tuesday when it cleared the England captain to play despite his shoulder-led tackle to the head of Taine Basham that was expected to result in a significant ban.

But, having examined the written judgement of the hearing, World Rugby believes there is grounds for an appeal, the details of which have yet to be confirmed.

George Ford insists England’s players must take responsibility for accelerating the team’s development into a force for the World Cup.

Steve Borthwick’s men ended a three-match losing run by defeating Wales 19-17 at Twickenham last Saturday but Ireland, the sport’s number one ranked side, are the next assignment on the schedule of warm-up fixtures.

England have yet to fire since Borthwick replaced Eddie Jones in September but with their pivotal Pool C match against Argentina fast approaching on September 9, Ford knows time is at a premium.

“Along with being led by the coaches, it’s the players’ responsibility to grab hold of the team and pull it in the direction we want to pull it in,” the Sale fly-half said.

“Especially when we have got the ball with that amount of experience and those combinations, we see it as our responsibility to get this team going and we have got to do it quicker than we have ever done it before.

“There are two more warm-up games and then there is the first game of the World Cup so we understand there is an urgency about it, but we are going to grab it.”

Since Borthwick took charge England have managed only 14 tries in seven matches, consistently struggling to finish chances or reflect their visits to the 22 on the scoreboard.

“I know the attack is the most spoken about subject at the minute. Let me reassure you we are working hard on it,” Ford said.

“We want to be more dangerous with the ball and cause more problems for the defence with the ball and score more tries, that’s what we want to do. It’s at the forefront of our minds and we’re working really hard to do it.

“My experience is that of all departments of the game, it takes the longest to get the attack functioning.

“We want to speed it up, we want to get there as quickly as possible. We know there’s an urgency that we need to start attacking better and causing problems and scoring tries – we understand that.

“The main thing is how we can be more potent when we’ve got the ball, how we can get the outside backs in space with the ball to create damage and cause chaos.”

World Rugby has come under pressure to act after Owen Farrell’s red card against Wales was overturned in a decision that has caused uproar across the game.

Farrell was sent off in the second half of Saturday’s 19-17 victory at Twickenham after his yellow card for a shoulder-led tackle to the head of Taine Basham was upgraded to a red by the bunker review system.

While the England captain was expected to face a ban that would rule him out of the start of the World Cup, a disciplinary hearing instead concluded that the offence was worthy of a sin-binning only, clearing him to play.

Six Nations, who oversee the warm-up fixtures, have a policy of not publishing written judgements, but are facing calls to make the detailed reasoning behind the independent panel’s decision public.

They have the power to appeal the verdict and so do World Rugby, who will examine the report before making a decision.

Progressive Rugby, a player welfare lobby group, believe the sport’s global governing body must intervene.

“World Rugby must emerge from its corporate bubble of stakeholder management and delegated responsibility to bare its teeth,” Progressive Rugby said on Twitter.

“For it to demonstrate it WON’T stand still on player welfare, that it IS the game’s number one priority and that they won’t tolerate being undermined.”

Wing Alex Cuthbert and centre Johnny Williams will make their first appearances of Wales’ World Cup warm-up schedule against South Africa on Saturday.

Williams partners Mason Grady in midfield, while there are also starts for the likes of scrum-half Kieran Hardy and hooker Elliot Dee.

Flanker Jac Morgan will captain Wales for the second time in three games, suggesting he is a firm favourite to skipper Wales at the World Cup.

Taine Basham, meanwhile, is among the replacements for the Springboks’ Principality Stadium visit.

Basham failed a head injury assessment following a shoulder-led tackle to his head by England captain Owen Farrell at Twickenham last weekend.

Farrell was sent off, but in a decision that sent shockwaves throughout the rugby world his red card was overturned by a disciplinary panel.

The Welsh Rugby Union said that Basham “was not a confirmed concussion following completion of all three stages of the head injury assessment (HIA) protocol”.

Stuart McInally’s rugby career is over after the long-serving Edinburgh hooker was one of four players cut from Scotland’s 33-man World Cup squad.

The 33-year-old, who captained the national team at Japan 2019, announced at the end of last season that he would retire after this autumn’s showpiece in France to become an airplane pilot but, after being part of the training squad this summer, he has not made the final selection.

Scrum-half Jamie Dobie, tighthead prop Murphy Walker and back-row Josh Bayliss are the other three players who have been released from the squad.

The omission of the latter trio was not a major surprise given they have only accumulated 10 caps between them so far.

McInally won his 49th and final cap in last Saturday’s 30-27 defeat by France in Saint-Etienne.

First-choice number nine Ben White is in the squad, indicating that he has been given the all-clear after seeing a specialist this week about the ankle injury that forced him off against France a week past Saturday.

Fourteen of the 33 players Gregor Townsend has selected were also in his squad for the last World Cup, while four of them – Grant Gilchrist, WP Nel, Richie Gray and Finn Russell – will be going to the tournament for a third time.

Huw Jones is adamant Scotland are not fazed by sharing a heavyweight World Cup group with the might of Ireland and South Africa.

The fact the draw was made in 2020 has led to a top-heavy pool B containing three of the five best teams in the world on current form.

With Ireland ranked number one, and world champions South Africa fourth on the list, the burgeoning Scots – despite being up to fifth themselves – will be up against it to reach the knockout phase.

However, three tightly-contested games against second-ranked France this year – including last Saturday’s agonising 30-27 defeat in Saint-Etienne – allied to strong periods against the likes of New Zealand and Ireland over the past year – have given the Scots genuine hope that they can finish in the top two in their section and progress to the latter stages.

“It is a tough pool, and if people see us as underdogs we don’t mind that,” said centre Jones. “We know how good we can be and a game like Saturday’s, against a side ranked second in the world, gives us a lot of confidence.

“We think we can beat anyone, it’s just about putting together a complete performance. We’re not fazed by the group, we’re really looking forward to it, but we know we need to be at our best to beat the top teams and get out of our pool.”

The Scots have lost 32-21 and 30-27 in their two away matches against the formidable French this year, while they defeated Les Bleus 25-21 at Murrayfield earlier this month.

All three matches against the highly-fancied World Cup hosts incorporated strong fightbacks from Gregor Townsend’s side and Jones feels if they can cut out the minor issues that are leaving them trailing in the first place, they are playing well enough to fancy their chances against any opposition.

“We weren’t really happy with our first-half performance at home to France but we were a lot better in the second half,” said Jones.

“Then in Saint-Etienne, against France’s strongest team, it was a more complete performance in terms of the full 80 minutes, although it’s still about those small margins for us.

“We feel like we’re there and thereabouts but there’s also stuff we can work on. I think Saturday will spur us on to improve even more.

“We always want to win but I think a narrow loss like that away to one of the top teams in the world is good for the confidence. We know we can go toe-to-toe with the best and we feel we can win those games.

“We take confidence from that but we also know there are areas we have to tighten up in and not make a couple of silly errors that can cost us close games.

“Going out to France twice this year and running them so close in those games gives us real confidence, especially as the World Cup is out there.”

As long as there are no slip-ups against Georgia in their final warm-up match at Murrayfield a week on Saturday, the Scots will head out to France at the start of September on the back of an encouraging summer campaign in which they have already defeated Italy and France in Edinburgh.

“We’re feeling good,” said Jones. “It’s been a tough pre-season.

“The fitness is there and the game fitness is coming along. We’ve got one more game against Georgia to really sharpen up and then we’re into the tournament.

“I think we’re in a really good place but we want to win that game against Georgia and put in a really good performance, which will give us confidence going into that first game against South Africa.”

Owen Farrell has been cleared to lead England into the World Cup after his red card against Wales was unexpectedly overturned by an independent disciplinary hearing.

Progressive Rugby, a player welfare lobby group, reacted to the shock decision by declaring it had “made a mockery of World Rugby’s claim that player welfare is the game’s number one priority”.

Farrell was initially shown a yellow card for his shoulder-led tackle to the head of Taine Basham in the second-half of Saturday’s 19-17 victory over Wales at Twickenham.

However, it was upgraded to a red by the Bunker review system, triggering a three-and-a-half hour hearing that took place on Tuesday via video link-up.

Farrell was expected to receive a ban in the region of six matches, minus mitigation, that would have ruled him out of the World Cup opener against Argentina on September 9.

The 31-year-old Saracens fly-half has missed a total of 11 games because of suspensions incurred for the same offence across three previous incidents, but is now free to take part in England’s clash with Ireland on Saturday.

The all-Australian judicial committee decided that his offence warranted a yellow card only and should not have been lifted to a red by the Bunker.

Its verdict hinged on Jamie George’s attempted tackle on Basham which it claimed caused the Wales flanker, who subsequently failed a head injury assessment, to change direction just before Farrell made his challenge.

“The committee determined, when applying World Rugby’s head contact process, that mitigation should be applied to the high degree of danger found by the foul play review officer,” a statement read.

“The committee found that a late change in dynamics due to England #2’s interaction in the contact area brought about a sudden and significant change in direction from the ball carrier.

“In the committee’s opinion, this mitigation was sufficient to bring the player’s act of foul play below the red card threshold.”

Progressive Rugby condemned an outcome that has sent shockwaves through the sport as it continues its drive to become safer.

“Today’s astounding decision to overturn the red card given to Owen Farrell for his tackle on Taine Basham has made a mockery of World Rugby’s claim that player welfare is the game’s number one priority,” a statement read.

“Additionally, despite protestations in the judgement to the contrary, it has critically undermined the newly introduced Bunker process before a global tournament and eroded confidence in the game’s judicial process which is meant to help protect those playing the game.”

In coming to its verdict, the panel said no criticism was being made of the Bunker review system – which is currently being used on a trial basis only and has yet to be confirmed for the World Cup – given the time available to make a decision.

However, it now calls into question the viability of the system if it does not have the time to make accurate calls.

Farrell’s most recent suspension was for an illegal challenge on Gloucester’s Jack Clement in January, which was reduced from four to three games after he completed tackle school, enabling him to face Scotland in the Six Nations opener.

The decision to overturn the red card is sure to anger anti-concussion campaigners, among them former Wales international Alix Popham who described it as a “shocking challenge”.

Wales back-row forward Taine Plumtree does not require shoulder surgery after being injured against England and remains in World Cup selection contention.

Wales assistant coach Jonathan Thomas has confirmed that Plumtree faces a period of rehabilitation, but he will not go under the knife.

Head coach Warren Gatland will name his 33-strong World Cup squad next Monday, and Thomas said: “Taine has not been ruled out of the World Cup. He doesn’t need surgery, so he is still available.

“There is a process he will need to go through in terms of rehab, but he has not been ruled out of contention for selection for the World Cup.

“Sometimes you need surgery and it rules you out for a long period of time, so I guess that is a positive in that respect.”

Hooker Dewi Lake, meanwhile, also made an early exit at Twickenham due to a knee issue, and Thomas added: “Dewi is under further review.

“The medical team wanted to chase that up, so there is no update on him at this time.”

Wales’ final preparation fixture sees them face world champions South Africa in Cardiff on Saturday, with Gatland’s World Cup squad being announced less than 48 hours later.

The Springboks clash will be a final opportunity for some players to impress before the waiting game reaches its conclusion.

“‘Gats’ has publicly said on the weekend there will be some opportunities for guys and maybe a last chance for some of them,” Thomas said.

“It is particularly tough on those guys who are going to miss out next week, it really is.

“I’ve been part of World Cups, but also missed out on World Cups, so I know as well as anyone how tough it is going to be for those guys, but at the same time you’ve got to make tough calls, haven’t you?

“The squad are very much focused on South Africa and living in the moment.

“While all those moments about selection you are thinking about while you are driving home or sitting in your hotel room, above the surface, in camp or on the training field there is no talk of that.

“It’s 23 players working as one. The reality is that individuals shine when they are part of a collective in team sport.

“If we play well as a team and get a win on the weekend it is going to hopefully project those individuals more.

“The last 13 or 14 weeks have all been about the higher purpose and one-team mentality, and that has not wavered this week. That says a lot about this group.”

South Africa have selected a strong line-up to meet Wales, including a return for fit-again captain Siya Kolisi, while the likes of wing Cheslin Kolbe, centre Damian de Allende, hooker Malcolm Marx and flanker Pieter-Steph du Toit also start.

“We want a fully-loaded South Africa, we want to be tested. We are excited about that,” Thomas said.

“You know what you are going to get with South Africa, and I mean that in a respectful way.

“They are a really physical team and they are a champion team, being winners of the last World Cup. Having said that, our home form in recent years has been quite good against them.

“You know what is coming with South Africa – big, direct carries, scrum, maul and they are a big physical team. You need those tests to set you up for what’s coming in the World Cup.”

Scotland head coach Gregor Townsend announces his 33-man World Cup squad on Wednesday morning.

Here, the PA news agency looks at how things are shaping up and who is in danger of missing out on the showpiece in France.

Who is already out of contention?

Gregor Townsend named a provisional 41-man training squad on May 9 to negotiate an intense pre-season camp and four warm-up matches prior to the tournament itself. In the intervening three months, the squad has evolved and become more streamlined. Scotland’s record try-scorer Stuart Hogg, who would likely have been a starter, announced his retirement in early July, while back-row Andy Christie dropped out through injury, with his place taken by Josh Bayliss. Ruaridh McConnochie was called in to replace Hogg but the Bath back soon drifted out of the mix due to injury. The weekend before last, stand-off Adam Hastings, lock Cam Henderson, centre Stafford McDowall and wing Kyle Rowe, who was a later addition to the initial squad, were all part of a four-man cull as Townsend trimmed his pool to 37.

Where will the remaining cuts come from?

Townsend said after Saturday’s loss to France in Saint-Etienne that the last four players to leave the squad would be a tighthead prop, a hooker, a back-row and a scrum-half.

Edinburgh hooker set to miss out

George Turner is the most prominent of the four hookers currently in the squad and is certain to go to France. Ewan Ashman, at 23 the youngest and least experienced of the quartet, appears to have a good shout of getting the nod after the new Edinburgh recruit was chosen to start the recent home match against France, when Townsend sent out a near full-strength XV. The places of Edinburgh veterans Dave Cherry, 32, and Stuart McInally, 33, therefore could be in jeopardy. Cherry has featured in only one of the three warm-up matches so far, although he did make a positive impression by scoring the decisive try as a substitute in the home win over France. The following weekend, 2019 World Cup captain McInally, who will retire after this tournament to become an airline pilot, served up a timely reminder of his ability by stepping off the bench to help the Scots stage a rousing fightback in Saint-Etienne.

Prop poser

Zander Fagerson is the first choice and – after dodging a long suspension following his recent red card against France – is assured of a place. Likewise WP Nel, who despite being 37 is still trusted enough by Townsend to start big games, such as last weekend’s match away to France and the Six Nations opener away to England earlier this year. The unlucky one will be either Edinburgh new boy Javan Sebastian or Glasgow’s Murphy Walker. Sebastian’s contribution off the bench on Saturday could help him get the nod over Walker, who has played no part in either of the France matches.

Rowing back on the back-rows

Captain Jamie Ritchie, Jack Dempsey, Rory Darge and Matt Fagerson can all consider themselves safely on the plane on the basis of their form and status within the national team. Veteran flanker Hamish Watson probably also has enough credit in the bank to ensure he is on the plane, although – not helped by injuries – he has not been as prominent for Scotland over the past year or so as he would have liked. The bad news appears likely to be delivered to one of the two least-established internationals in the back-row pool. Luke Crosbie, with five caps to his name, played no part in the double-header against France, while Bayliss – also now on five caps – was not named in the initial 41-man squad.

Warriors scrum-half scrap

Ben White has made the number nine jersey his own since the start of the Six Nations, although Scotland were having his ankle injury – sustained in the France home game – assessed on Monday before finalising the squad. Assuming – as Townsend was expecting – the new Toulon man gets the all-clear, a Glasgow scrum-half will miss out. Ali Price, George Horne and Jamie Dobie have been vying for the nine shirt for the Warriors. Price, with 63 caps, and Horne, who went to the last World Cup in Japan, are significantly more established on the international scene than 22-year-old Dobie, who may have to wait for the following World Cup in Australia.

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