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2020 CPL provided US$250m media exposure to the region - CPL
Written by Leighton Levy. Posted in CPL. | 03 March 2021 | 2644 Views
Tags: Cricket, Barbados, Cpl, Guyana, Jamaica, Pete Russell, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, Trinidad And Tobago, Yougov Sport

The Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) has delivered record value for the Caribbean during the 2020 season, with the tourist boards across the region receiving US$258million in media exposure.

Whilst the tournament was held behind closed doors in Trinidad & Tobago, the Hero CPL worked closely with all six host countries to ensure that the Caribbean was promoted as a must-visit destination. Both the live broadcast and the league’s digital channels carried bespoke tourism content for each of its partners.

The total exposure of US$258million is an increase of 381 per cent on the 2019 figure with the tourist boards in Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia and Trinidad & Tobago benefiting from the Hero CPL promoting the unique attributes of each of the countries.

These figures were generated from an independent report compiled by YouGov Sport – one of the most respected research firms in the world.

The increase in exposure was driven by the Hero CPL’s record broadcast and digital audience of 523.5million in 2020.

“Our host countries are the heart and soul of the Hero CPL and every year we work very hard to get them as much coverage as possible. That was made more difficult this year, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic meaning the games could only be played in one country, but we are delighted that we have still been able to deliver these stunning results,” said CPL COO Pete Russell.

“We would like to thank all our host countries for their support and we look forward to building on our successful partnerships in the coming years.”