After initially being given a contract to lead Trinidad and Tobago's senior men’s team into Copa America playoff battle against Canada in March, Angus Eve was granted an extension, and will now remain at the helm until 2025.

Eve's extension, which was recently announced by the country's Football Association, will be for the duration of the 2026 FIFA World Cup Qualification campaign.

The tactician's initial extension from September 2023 to March 2024, resulted from a fairly successful 2023 campaign in which he guided the Soca Warriors to League A promotion in the Concacaf Nations League. Beyond that, Eve also saw the team to a memorable 2-1 victory over United States in Nations League second-leg quarter-finals action, which followed their second-place finish in the group stage, where Trinidad and Tobago toppled Curacao, El Salvador and Guatemala.

With his contract worries now out the way, Eve's immediate focus will be on their assignment against Canada on March 23, as victory against another North American powerhouse, would see the twin island republic into the CONMEBOL Copa America later this year.

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to continue to serve the country in a positive manner," Eve declared.

"Hopefully, we can develop and harness the young talent that we have, to give ourselves the best opportunity to qualify for another World Cup," he added.

Normalization Committee Chairman Robert Hadad explained how they came by the decision.

"A few months ago, Angus was given an extension as we believed he was the right individual to take us into League A and what he, his staff and the players have been able to achieve is commendable.

"The Normalization Committee’s tenure is winding down and we have been consistent with a cautious approach to the negotiation of contractual agreements with staff beyond our time (tenure). We met with Angus, explained our position, and discussed plans for the future. Angus has led the team extremely well and we believe that we have been able to (now) settle on a new agreement that is a win-win, in the best interest of the Association and Angus," Hadad shared.

“It was critical that any agreement allowed for each party to be protected and so that the Association has little to no risk of making missteps as in the past, which resulted in significant unpaid debts to coaches, team members and suppliers. We are excited for the future as we head into a World Cup qualification year,” he added.

It is every young footballer's dream to play on the global stage, but first they would require the necessary platform to parade their skills with hopes of being recognized by astute overseas-based coaches.

Such is the case for some of the Caribbean's top young players, who are provided an opportunity to take their talents beyond the shores and, by extension, bring their dreams of making it big on the global stage within reach, courtesy of the Caribbean Premier Showcase.

The Caribbean Premier Showcase, conceptualized by Jamaican-born Oniqueky Samuels in 2014, was meant to be a mere recruitment drive for universities and colleges in the United States, but has since blossomed into a developmental workshop.

The event is designed to test the mettle and skills of players from across the region under the watchful eyes of over 30 coaches from universities, colleges, clubs and academies across the world.

Having made stops in Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada over the years, Samuels, the Men’s Head coach and International Advisor at the University of Maine, Fort Kent, has opted to bring the showcase back to Jamaica, with action scheduled for Friday and Saturday starting at 9:00am.

St Elizabeth Technical High School (STETHS) Sports Complex in Santa Cruz will be the first stop, before Samuels and team cap things off at the UWI-JFF Captain Horace Burrell Centre of Excellence in Kingston.

The showcase involves a number of games in the morning from which coaches will select the various players they want to see advance. In the afternoon, an All-scholastic team, selected by ISSA, will square off against an All-star team selected by the coaches. Following those engagements, the All-manning and All-daCosta Cup teams will lock horns against the All-star teams selected by the coaches.

After leaving Jamaica the Showcase will head to Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Samuels pointed out that his inspiration to launch such an initiative stemmed from his own journey, as he was awarded a scholarship to the University of Maine, Fort Kent in 2007, and has made full use of the opportunity.

The soft-spoken Samuels completed two degrees at Maine, Fort Kent, and later transitioned to Union College where he started his coaching career. After spending two seasons at Union as a graduate assistant, he was hired by Maine, Fort Kent as an academic advisor and assistant coach, before taking the reins as of his current position in 2018.

“I'm excited about how everything is manifesting. It started as just an itch to give back to young Jamaicans as soon as I got an opportunity coaching. So, I wanted to recruit you know personnel from similar background as mine and it has transitioned into this that you're seeing now,” Samuels, who is also the founder of the Samuels Soccer Foundation, shared.

“It is so satisfying, a lot of persons are hopping on board and making this an official event. That's the main objective, to make this an official annual event that can give young Caribbean players an opportunity to excel, whether you know excel in football or excel in academics because at the end of the day it started by just you know offering scholarships to universities and colleges,” he added.

According to Samuels, another key component to the Showcase is the fact that it also prepares the successful recruits mentally for their transition into a new environment.

“It helps with the want-to-do-well mindset because you want to make better for your family. So, at the end of the day, you have me that have gone through with you have Rajay [Maragh] that has gone through it, many of the personnel who are assisting and volunteering for this showcase, have gone through it. We also offer that connection and relationship with the coaches as well, so if there are issues or any kind of conversation that needs to be had, you know we're going to have those conversations. So, we kind of maintain somewhat of a relationship as a kid gets an opportunity. They're not just thrown out into wherever they land and just expected to do well,” he explained.


That said, Rajay Maragh, the Showcase’s chief operating officer, argued that it would be remiss if they didn’t stress the need to balance academics and the athletics to allow for greater success. This, he said is often an issue as some student-athletes forget that they are students first.

“That is one of the challenges we had last year too. So, we had a player who did well at the showcase, the coach is interested. We go into the system, and we pull up his profile, but the grades are not matching. These days, Colleges are not necessarily giving full scholarship like that. They'll give you an academic scholarship, and an athletic scholarship and together that would make it a full scholarship. So, you may have a coach that offers a player 60% in sports scholarship, which means the other 40 needs to come from your academic progress,” Maragh revealed.

On that note, President and founder of Value FC Emelio Williams gave insight into what the coaches will be looking for.

"Whether you play top tier college football or professional football, one of the first things is just character. You know your academics well. I'm a supporter of schools because we run two professional teams in Europe and you're a brand. The club is a brand, the team is a brand, each player is a brand. You might score 30 goals for the season, but if your actions bring the club in disrepute, it's all for nought. So, character and all the things that come with just the discipline, the commitment, the drive, being a good teammate, hard work. Those things are massively important to any college coach and to any professional organization. I would say character and then obviously your football and talents or your academic, your athletic talents are massively important," he said.

Reggae Boy Deshane Beckford is hoping to hit the ground running on his return to Hartford Athletic when the United Soccer League (USL) championship season gets underway in March.

The midfielder, who enjoyed a productive loan spell at Hartford Athletic two years ago, rejoins the team at a time when they require some impetus, as they endured a dismal campaign last season, and finished at the foot of the Eastern Conference with a mere four wins in 34 outings.

Beckford in confirming his move from Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC, where he scored two goals and had four assists in 32 appearances last season, expressed delight at being reunited with coach Brendan Burke.

“I am happy to reunite with coach [Brendan] Burke and be part of the project in Hartford,” Beckford said.

“This is one of the most passionate fan bases in the entire league and I’m glad to have them cheering me on and supporting me this season. I am also looking forward to integrating myself into Hartford’s large Jamaican community, something that I’m sure will make me feel right at home in my new city,” he added.

The 25-year-old, whose lone international cap came two years ago, joins compatriot Andre Lewis and Trinidad and Tobago’s Tristan Hodge at Hartford Athletic.

Meanwhile, Burke, a big admirer of Beckford has high expectations from a player he believes will add great attacking value to the squad. Beckford has made 97 Championship appearances, with 11 goals and 12 assists to his record.

“We are very excited to bring Deshane to Hartford. He is an excellent winger with great pace on the ball and is especially dangerous on the counterattack,” Burke, who is also the club general manager, shared. “He does a great job to put pressure on the opposition with his effort on defense as well. Our fans are really going to enjoy cheering on Deshane this season,” he noted.

Trinidad and Tobago’s senior men’s Head coach Angus Eve says the opportunity still exists for players that were left out of the squad last year following their subpar Gold Cup showing, to make a return for the 2024 campaign.

Eve’s declaration came as he reflected on the Soca Warriors’ fairly successful 2023 outing in which they contested the Nations League A quarterfinals, and even registered a famous 2-1 second-leg victory over United States.

For that period, Eve opted for a squad without players such as former captain Kevin Molino, who after missing out, announced his retirement from the international game.

“The door is always open to the guys. I think some of them have served Trinidad tremendously through difficult times. I think sometimes people don’t know the struggles players go through and as a past player myself, I understand. I never want somebody to go out of the game feeling that they are dissatisfied, and we didn’t treat them right and didn’t give them a proper send-off,” Eve said during a recent interview with TTFA.

That said, Eve pointed out that age was and will never factor in the selection process, provided players performance are on par.

“I have no right to retire any player. The door is open to those guys once they continue to perform. I think age is not a factor. I just believe at that point in time we needed to clean up shop and we needed to get guys to buy back into the philosophy and what we were trying to do, and the project we were building,” he explained.

With the Copa America playoff against Canada to come in March, followed by 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers later in the year, Eve reiterated his openness to give players a shot to challenge for spots in his squad, but in the same breath, stressed the need for humility in their push for more success.

“Some players took it on their own to come out and say they are retired but I would say the door is not closed for the guys, and if they do get an opportunity, then they must conform to what the team wants to do. No one man is bigger than the team, not even me,” Eve noted.

“Nobody thought we would have been here. We are now in the last eight in Concacaf and fighting in the last four for a place in the Copa America,” he ended.

Despite being pleased with how things went last year, Trinidad and Tobago’s senior men’s Head coach Angus Eve, says there is still more work to be done with sights set on this year’s Copa America and, by extension, 2026 FIFA men’s World Cup qualification.

Eve’s men will kick the year off with the Copa America playoff against Canada in March, where victory would put them into the prestigious CONMEBOL tournament scheduled to take place in the United States in June.

“We said we want to go back to where we are competing against these teams. We are now in the last eight of Concacaf, fighting in the last four for a place in the Copa America. Who would have thought in a couple of months we would have been here?” Eve asked rhetorically, during an end-of-year interview with TTFA Media.

One of the Soca Warriors’ biggest accomplishments for 2023, was their 2-1 victory over United States in the second-leg of the Concacaf Nations League A quarterfinals.

Still, Eve pointed out that the work continues.

“There is a lot more to be done. Player development, exposure for players is so important and playing at the higher levels consistently. Then, we will get more players playing outside of Trinidad and Tobago like we used to,” he said.

“The clubs have to understand that sometimes you need to take the players for four days. We have to work in tandem with each other to get the players where we want them to be,” Eve added.

Reflecting on their journey since 2021, Eve confessed that explained that much like the players, he too has benefited from exposure via coaching courses, and rubbing shoulders with top coaches in the region.

“It has motivated me even more to do well because of the level of professionalism; the type of people you’re rubbing shoulders with. You learn by having conversations (and) the most that I would have learned is when I have conversations with other coaches at the side, or with the tutors and lecturers,” Eve revealed.

Looking ahead, the tactician hopes for greater Government and corporate support, as he requested a more professional approach, improved staffing, proper processes put in place, and regular exposure for his charges.

“The local players need to be playing more. Even if we get an international game every two months,” Eve declared.

“America came down with about 35 (staff) members. They had a whole hospital set up. They had a whole technical department set up with all the analytics and things. Our department is one guy, McShine and the other department is one guy, Derek King. And the other department (medical) is one guy, doctor Danai. Everything is one guy, when other people have departments for these things,” he stressed.

Brian Boodramsingh is celebrating a ninth jockeys’ championship title in Trinidad and Tobago after missing almost six months of the racing year while on a stint in Canada.

On Tuesday’s Boxing Day card, the final day of the Trinidad and Tobago racing year, Boodramsingh rode three winners to survive a “tough battle” with apprentice Tristan Phillips. He achieved another championship feat with 14 wins, one ahead of Phillips and Dillon Khelawan in the 14-meet racing year.

“It was good to come back and win the championship. I believed that I could, and the trainer and owners gave me what was needed,” said Boodramsingh.

With the battle between the top three being tense throughout the race card, Boodramsingh snatched the title with victory aboard the 3-5 favourite Theory of Colours in the final race of the year, decisively edging Phillips’ mount Alpha Cetauri (5-1) by a length in a title-clinching result.

“I must thank my trainer John O’Brien for his kindness and skill in getting his horses ready to perform in the manner that they did. I thank everyone, the grooms for their support in my venture. My first two winners were easy, but I had to ride for my final victory,” Boodramsingh noted.

This was fifth-consecutive title. Boodramsingh also rode 21 winners on his just over five-month stint in Canada, where he rode predominantly at Hastings Racecourse in Vancouver, with some brief trips to Century Mile in Edmonton.

Howard Wallace may only be 14 years old, but he has already developed an exceptional mental strength and stubborn determination that will certainly serve him well throughout his budding swimming career.

Wallace is one of a few young athletes who can attest to rising above a difficult situation to achieve a remarkable feat, as he battled and overcame a serious shoulder injury to win seven medals at last year’s Goodwill Games in Trinidad and Tobago.

Though admitting that playing the wait game through recovery was sometimes frustrating, Wallace clung to the belief that his injury was a minor setback for a major comeback, and that resilience inevitably saw him fulfil a desire to represent the country.

“It was very difficult season for me because I got injured two months before the Goodwill Games and it was very hard for me to train. Most of the times I had to cut training extremely short, but I managed to pull through and make a recovery in time for the competition,” Wallace said.

“Both the low of the injury and the high of winning those medals told me that I was a strong and determined person, because even though I was injured I still pushed through. It also showed how much potential I have,” he added.

It is said that most great people have attained their greatest success just one step behind their greatest failure, and given what he has accomplished, those famous words of American author Napoleon Hill resonated with Wallace, as he recalled his journey back from injury, which threatened to derail his swimming ambitions.

“My shoulder injury was a massive setback back in terms of my training and preparation for my competitions. Most days, I would just cut training short, and I wouldn’t be satisfied with the amount of training I would get during the week, so it was quite hard to make a full recovery,” Wallace, who hails from Montego Bay shared.

“It was specifically bad because my best and favorite stroke is butterfly, and my shoulders are an integral part of performing that stroke. After training I would have to do physiotherapy sessions just to make sure there was nothing too serious happening with my shoulder, and to make sure I could go to meets and training.

“There were days when I could not complete a simple warm up set. But with the help of coach Rory Alvaranga and the physical therapist I improved overtime and was able to represent the country,” Wallace continued.

Blessed with a clean bill of health since his exploits in the twin island republic, Wallace, who currently attends Jamaica College, has made the most of it throughout the 2023 season with some credible performances.

“My season has been good so far, not necessarily my best, but I’m pleased with my performances because I know that with time I’ll be exactly where I want to be because I believe the best is yet to come,” Wallace declared.

Looking ahead, Wallace has his sights firmly set on making Jamaica’s team to next year’s Carifta Swimming Championships and has even taken steps to ensure he continues to improve his craft.

“I made the decision to undergo a more rigorous training course and become a lot more focused because it is my intention to qualify for and make the Carifta Games next year and make my mark.  My overall goals and ambition going forward is to continue competing for my country and by God’s grace, make it to the Olympics Games where I can perform internationally and make my country proud,” Wallace noted.

Jinelle James, Trinidad and Tobago’s director of the women's football, expressed delight with the recently-concluded Jewels of the Caribbean Under-17 Women’s tournament, and is expecting players to make the most of the lessons learnt from the exposure, as they continue training.

James, who is also a FIFA assistant development officer, welcomed the initiative which provided the opportunity for players to parade their skills and, by extension, continue their development.

The four-team tournament featured Trinidad and Tobago’s A and B teams, as well as Grenada and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Trinidad and Tobago’s A team led by J'Eleisha Alexander, topped the tournament, with Orielle Martin taking the best midfielder, most goals and most valuable player awards, while teammate Jasmaine Mc Nish copping the best defender prize.

“I thought the Jewels of the Caribbean U-17 Girls Tournament was a great opportunity to give the girls a chance to play without any of the pressures of a qualification tournament, and being able to play teams that are at their level competitively, and the girls are learning how to win international matches,” James said.

"In the end, some of our U-17 players showed themselves like Mc Nish, Martin, Cherina Steele and Alexander, who has had a successful campaign for the past year in the Secondary School Girls Football League and was called up to the senior women's team.

"There were others like Mariah Williams, Madison Campbell, and Ty'Kaiya Dennis, so it was basically the whole team really showing themselves and introducing themselves at this level to international football," she added.

That some Under-14 players also strutted their stuff in the tournament, was another highlight for James.

“So, it was just a good opportunity to give exposure to the young girls. They were much younger than their competitors of course, but again it's always good to put them in to see where they are at in their development and what’s needed for them to improve and prepare for the U-15 Concacaf competition next year in August,” she reasoned.

"All in all, I thought it was a good showing for the girls and hopefully we can get more opportunities for them to play in a competitive environment without the pressures of it being a qualification tournament,” James noted.

With Concacaf qualifiers in the distant future, James pointed to the need for more initiatives such as the Jewels tournament to keep players active.

"What I personally realised is that these girls don't play any football outside of coming to training, so we have to find a way to get them to play more which will help them to develop their game awareness and they will get to see the things that they are being shown in training.

“Training is only one and half hours, and it's only so much the coaches can get across to the players, and they themselves have to do some playing recreationally to learn how to check in pockets, and how and when to make runs and all,” she shared.

“So, we saw a lot of positives that we could take from this experience that the coaches will use to help prepare the team for their next encounter at the U-20 level maybe in 2025 or 2026,” James ended.

Much like they started the schoolboy football season, Clarendon College ended flawlessly and undisturbed.
The Chapelton-based school, who copped the ISSA/Wata daCosta Cup and All-island Olivier Shield titles, added a bit more history to their impressive 2023 campaign, as they won the fourth edition of the KFC Goodwill International Schools Under-18 Football tournament in Guyana, on Friday.
In what was their debut outing at the tournament, Clarendon College proved too good for rivals. They eased past Trinidad and Tobago's St Benedict’s College 2-1 in the showpiece contest at the Ministry of Education ground on Carifesta Avenue.
With their usual fluid passing and high-pressing attacking ability, Clarendon College made light work of a very physical St Benedict’s team. The Jamaicans wore down their opponents defence and later found the go-ahead goal through Daniel Clark in the 32nd minute.
Clarendon College again showed more purpose on the resumption, and by virtue of that, again penetrated St Benedict’s harangued defence, as Justin Hayles doubled their lead in the 52nd minute.
The Trinidadians later pulled one back, but that was all they got from a Clarendon College outfit that had very little issues for the remainder of the contest.

The Bahamas Aquatics Federation (BAF) is targeting US$1 million to stage next year’s Carifta Swimming Championships from March 28 to April 7.

“While this (raising $1 million) has never been done before by the federation, we believe that it is indeed possible. We ask corporate Bahamas and every Bahamian citizen to support Team Bahamas by contributing any amount to this fundraising goal,” said BAF President Algernon Cargill, who also serves as the vice chairman of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the event.

The meet will be staged at a renovated Betty Kelly-Kenning National Swim Complex and provides the opportunity for the Bahamian Carifta swimmers to perform at home for the first time since 2017.

“Winning our sixth title at home will not be easy and we will certainly need the support of all Bahamians, particularly corporate Bahamas, to support the marketing efforts of the Local Organizing Committee,” Cargill added.

The event is expected to attract some of the region's budding swimmers from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Cayman Islands, among others.

Trinidad and Tobago's Tyrese Spicer says he is ready to prove his worth and surprise Major League Soccer (MLS) rivals, after he was selected as the number one overall draft pick by Toronto FC during the MLS SuperDraft on Tuesday.

The former Secondary Schools Football League’s (SSFL) top goal-scorer, who represented St Mary's College and St Augustine Secondary, joins Toronto after a season in which he scored 14 goals and provided three assists in just 16 games for Lipscomb University.

Spicer, 23, who hails from a tight-knit family in the twin island republic, said the selection is a moment he dreamed of for years.

"I just thank God for the opportunity to be at number one. I would never imagine a guy from Trinidad, this small island, just always trying my best to add everything, just grinding everything out to be in this moment right now, in this spot. It shines a light on Trinidad and Tobago," the pre-signed senior said during a Zoom interview with

Spicer earned First Team All-American, Atlantic Sun Conference Player of the Year and MAC Hermann Trophy semi-finalist honours. His form at SSFL level continued with him to university as he managed 29 goals and 18 assists through 57 overall appearances for Lipscomb, and he is now aiming to carry that form into the MLS.

"It means the world to me honestly, to share this moment with [my family]. I would never dream of being in this position, being drafted number one in the SuperDraft. Without God, this would have never happened honestly. My family is very big on faith and on God as well. And I just enjoyed the moment. ... I'm ready for the next steps in my life," Spicer noted.

Spicer readies for his challenge at a unique time as Toronto FC reset under new Head coach John Herdman, the former Canada manager, with home the Trinidadian spoke before the SuperDraft. He explained that he has already gathered confidence that can power a young player's success.

"He was like, 'We could see you playing and getting minutes in this coming season.' He thinks I have world-class potential. He thinks that I can really make it to the next level. And I also think I can make it to the next level as well. I think I have the abilities. I believe in myself," Spicer shared.

Spicer readily admit that his confidence lies in his immense potential and versatility to play anywhere across the attacking line.

"I'm very direct, I'm explosive. If you watch me, people always say that I'm very unpredictable. And that's a good thing because I always want to have my opponents on their Ps and Qs at all times," Spicer declared.

"I like to score goals. I expect a lot of stuff for myself. ... Toronto fans, you're going to be happy to see me on the field. I'm definitely going to bring some excitement to the stadium and some big goals as well. I know my abilities; I know I'm good enough. And I will definitely surprise MLS," the towering player standing just over six-foot tall added.

Meanwhile, Toronto's general manager Jason Hernandez has high expectations of Spicer, as they seek to improve on a bottom-of-the-league table finish that led to Bob Bradley's departure midway through the 2023 season. The Reds scored just 26 goals last year, tied for the fewest in MLS.

"Tyrese possesses a unique combination of technical and physical qualities that align with our player profile and tactical blueprint. He also has a resilient mindset and a drive to improve, which makes him a great fit for TFC. We look forward to working with Tyrese to accelerate his growth as a player and person while helping us achieve our goals as a club," Hernandez said in an MLS interview.

Phil Salt followed up his match-winning century in Grenada with a record-breaking hundred in Trinidad as England amassed their highest-ever T20 score, putting the West Indies to the sword.

Having been overlooked at the Indian Premier League auction on Tuesday, Salt smashed 10 sixes and seven fours in his 119 off 57 balls at the Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba in England’s 267 for three.

Salt’s belligerent knock is the highest by an England batter – beating the previous record held by Alex Hales on 116 – as the tourists took a giant stride towards levelling the five-match series at 2-2.

England’s previous best score in this format was the 241 for three they posted against New Zealand in Napier in November 2019 but Jos Buttler’s side blew that total out of the water.

Buttler registered 55 off 29 balls, putting on 117 in 9.5 overs with Salt, while Liam Livingstone added an unbeaten 54 off 21 deliveries as England racked up the fifth highest score in this format.

Four days on from his 109 not out at the weekend which helped England keep the series alive, Salt transferred his form to another Caribbean island, bringing up back-to-back tons off 48 balls.

There was no respite for the Windies on a hot and sticky afternoon, with T20 debutant Matthew Forde leaking 54 from three overs and Jason Holder and Gudakesh Motie each conceding 55 from four overs.

Akeal Hosein was the pick of the attack with one for 36 from his allocation but the hosts have been left it all to do to stop the series from going to a decider – no team has chased down more than 259.

Jamaica Volleyball Association President, Jacqueline Cowan, was re-elected as the General Secretary on the North, Central America and Caribbean Volleyball Confederation (NORCECA) board. She was selected during the Caribbean Zonal Volleyball Association’s (CAZOVA) Electoral Congress held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on Sunday.

Trinidad and Tobago's Mushtaque Mohammed was also re-elected president during the electoral congress, which determined the new board to guide CAZOVA until 2027.

Other members of the newly appointed CAZOVA Board are Kennedy McGowan, First Vice-President (Cayman Islands), Gisette Emer, Second Vice-President (Bonaire), Kurtwood Greene Snr, Treasurer (Bahamas), Filomena Daniel-Curiel, Board Member (Aruba), and Mark Lewis, Board Member (Barbados) a former Jamaica Indoor and Beach Volleyball National
Representative now residing in Barbados.

Philippe Lirus, Honorary Board Member (Martinique) and Daymian Stewart, Executive Director (Trinidad and Tobago), also secured slots on the board.

Along with those elected, there were also representatives from Curacao, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Suriname, and US Virgin Islands, at the congress.

After a challenging two-season hiatus due to a debilitating knee injury, three-time NSW Swifts MVP, Samantha Wallace, is set to make a triumphant comeback for the 2024 Suncorp Super Netball season. The Trinidad & Tobago attacker, who underwent knee reconstruction following an injury in Round 1 of the Swifts' 2022 campaign, has persevered through a rigorous recovery process and is eager to rejoin the competitive arena.

As a Grand Final MVP in 2019, Wallace played a pivotal role in securing two Swifts Premiership titles (2019 & 2021) and has proudly represented her home country at two World Cups and the Commonwealth Games.

Before her injury in 2022, Wallace notched up an impressive 77 appearances for the Swifts over five seasons, earning a reputation as one of the game's finest and most entertaining shooters, both under the post and from range.

Head coach Briony Akle acknowledged the emotional significance of Wallace's return, emphasizing the challenges of recovering from complex knee injuries. Briony expressed confidence in Wallace's potential to reclaim her status as the premier goal shooter in the game, praising her proven ability at the highest level.

“Having had so much heartache over the past two seasons, I know it will be an extra-special moment when Sammy steps on court in front of our home fans for the first time. She has a proven ability at this level, and I think she can be the greatest goal shooter in our game again,” Akle said.


Wallace herself expressed her gratitude for the support she received during her recovery, acknowledging the moments of doubt and the resilience of the Swifts community.

“I’m not gonna lie, there were times when I thought it may have been the end for me, but so many people at the Swifts helped me through, and I will be grateful to them forever.”

Despite being unable to play in the past two seasons, Wallace always felt a part of the Club, crediting the kindness of the medical staff and the unwavering support of teammates, coaches, and fans.

“Even though I wasn’t able to play over the past two seasons, I always felt part of the Club, both on game day and in the community, and the medical staff who looked after me were so kind.”

Reflecting on the last full game she played in the 2021 Grand Final win, Wallace sees it as a motivating force, driving her determination to return to peak performance.

“Before getting injured, the last full game I played was the 2021 Grand Final win, and that happy memory is a driving force for me.”

While acknowledging the challenges posed by formidable opponents, Wallace is confident in her understanding of the game's fundamentals and her ability to contribute strategically.

 “I know it won’t be easy because there are so many brilliant players that you come up against, but the basics of the game, and how to read it, have not changed. I want my smarts to help me while I get up to speed.”

The Brix Hotel on Coblentz Avenue in Port-of-Spain Trinidad set the stage for the recent electoral congress that unfolded on Sunday, December 17, 2023, marking a pivotal moment for the Caribbean Zonal Volleyball Organisation (CAZOVA).

Mushtaque Mohammed of Trinidad and Tobago emerged victorious, retaining his position as President in a spirited contest against Ms. Margarette Graham, the Treasurer of CAZOVA.

The electoral congress, which determined the new board to guide CAZOVA until 2027, attracted the participation of 12 out of 14 National Federation members. The event was conducted under the supervision of Cristóbal Marte Hoffiz, President of the North, Central America, and Caribbean Volleyball Confederation (NORCECA).

The represented associations included Aruba, Bonaire, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Suriname, Barbados, Bahamas, US Virgin Islands, and host country Trinidad and Tobago.

The newly elected executive comprises a mix of re-elected and fresh faces, demonstrating the organization's commitment to a diverse and dynamic leadership. The returning trio includes Kennedy McGowan of the Cayman Islands as First Vice-President, Gisette Emer of Bonaire as Second Vice-President, and Jacqueline Cowan of Jamaica as Secretary General.

Board Member Filomena Daniel-Curiel of Aruba also retained her position, while Kurtwood Green of the Bahamas and Mark Lewis of Barbados were newly appointed as Treasurer and Board Member, respectively.

In addition, Phillipe Lirus of Martinique was elected as an Honorary CAZOVA Board Member. Notably, Daymian K.E. Stewart, the President of T&T Volleyball Federation, retained his post as CAZOVA’s Executive Director, a role not subject to election.

With an action-packed calendar for 2024, CAZOVA encourages its membership to actively participate in various events and consider hosting both CAZOVA Beach and Indoor competitions. The organization will also emphasize assisting National Federations in enhancing their administration and governance structures.

As a unanimous decision, CAZOVA members pledged their support for President Cristóbal Marte Hoffiz in his bid for re-election as NORCECA President, with the election scheduled to take place in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in July 2024.

President Marte Hoffiz expressed his congratulations to the new board and affirmed his commitment to working collaboratively with CAZOVA to further develop volleyball in the zone. The stage is set for a new chapter in CAZOVA's leadership, with a vision for growth, inclusivity, and excellence in volleyball across the Caribbean region.

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